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The Eternals had helped different civilizations: Egyptians, Indus, Chinese, Greeks, Romans, you name it. They have helped in some shape or form to keep them safe and help them develop. Fighting against the Deviants, aiding them with their inventions, helping them construct a stable community. The Eternals had become part of them, each and every time, they had weaved themselves into their religion and culture as Gods, Goddesses, and deities without meaning to.

Even with their God-like powers, what they've never been able to stop were disputes between humans, and that seemed to be the bane of human existence. Arishem and Ajak had strict rules of not intervening in their personal conflicts, no matter what. They had been able to understand the rule and obey it, so far.

Regardless of their experience Tenochtitlan felt different. It could be the number of Deviants that they encountered, far more than Phastos had calculated, or the current massacre going on around them.

They were in their meeting spot, hidden by the dense trees but still close by that they could hear the noise of the weapons and most haunting of it all the screams of despair. The Spaniards had come to colonize the continent, as they encountered the Aztec civilization all hell broke loose. They were still a few of them missing.

"Where is Ikaris and Metzi?" Ajak asked, clearly preoccupied.

"They are fighting the last of the Deviants. Phastos did not warn us that there would be this many." Thena answered.

Druig was worried sick about Metzi, he knew that she could feel all the chaos and emotion going on as well as he could hear all the murderous and pleading thoughts of the people. He hoped that she was coping better than he was, that she would be able to fight the monsters without getting overwhelmed. He finally saw Ikaris and Metzi coming down from the top of the forest. He relaxed.

"Is everything fine?" He said to Metzi, communicating through his thoughts. Metzi looked at him and nodded reassuringly.

"Yeah, the last of the Deviants are taken care of." She thought back, although Druig could sense a bit of an edge on her voice and her demeanor. He wanted to push further but was cut off by Ikaris.

"The Deviants are dead." He directed this to Ajak.

"Good." She said, nodding approvingly.

Metzi had taken her place besides Druig, she was anxiously fumbling with her hands. Druig tried to calm her as best as she could in front of the others without worrying them, he took her hand, caressing her knuckles with his thumb.

"It's not good when people are still dying around us." Druig finally spoke out. Metzi only squeezed his hand.

"Right now is not the time for your savior complex, Druig." Said Ikaris annoyed.

Before either of them could start arguing, they were cut off by Gilgamesh alarmed voice calling to Thena.

"Thena are you okay?" He tried once again.

Thena's eyes went all white, in a blank stare. She stood still while she drew a weapon into her hand.

"Everyone's going to die." She said before she launched, attacking an unprepared Gilgamesh. Before the weapon struck, Mitzi pushed Gilgamesh just in time, the weapon struck her side instead although not that deep.

"Metzi!" Druig yelled, taking a step to get near her. He was stopped by Makkari, who got him out of the way before Thena could hurt him.

Thena was fighting with every Eternal that crossed her path. Makkari and Kingo were trying to distract her from going after Sprite, Ajak, Phastos, and Druig, to no avail. She kept going, each time getting closer to hurting either of them. Ikaris couldn't do much without hurting Thena.

"I'm good, don't worry, Dru." She thought to him. She and Gilgamesh shared a look and got nearer to Thena as she was too focused on fighting off Makkari and Kingo. They grabbed her, trying to constrain Thena.

"Thena this isn't you. Please come back." Gilgamesh tried reasoning with her as she struggled.

She managed to shake both of them off, slamming Metzi into a tree and Gilgamesh to the ground. Gilgamesh got up, he looked so helpless, as he did what he never imagined he would do to Thena but there was no other way they could stop her. He finally threw a punch with slightly more force than before, knocking her out.

Druig took this opportunity to check up on Metzi, as she was trying to get up, wincing. Druig wrapped a hand around her torso, aware of the cut on her side. Gilgamesh carried Thena carefully, following Ajak as she made her way to the temple in the middle of Tenochtitlan. All the Eternals followed quietly. The mood had gone somber, everything had changed in a matter of minutes. From feeling accomplished to feeling sick at the sight of seeing the Eternals fighting each other.

As Druig and Metzi walked among the Spaniards and the Aztecs, Metzi could sense Druig's desperation to help.

"Druig, don't. We can't do that." She said firmly to him, trying to soothe his despair. Druig shook his head and scoffed.

"But we can." He countered.

"You know it's not our duty, Dru."

"That is no comfort to me. I want to do what is right, not what I'm meant to do."

"I know, I do too. I'm sorry, darling." Metzi consoles him. It hurt her even more seeing him defeated, but she knew they couldn't do much about it, as much as she also wanted to help them.

Everyone was already in the temple, Thena had been laid down in the middle of the room. Metzi could sense the anxiety oozing off the room. She tried her best to alleviate the feeling without them noticing. Ajak came towards them as she saw them enter the room. She took a look at Metzi's wound and healed it. Metzi and Druig thanked her as she made her way to Thena.

Ajak was trying to heal her head, see if she could sense what was wrong with Thena. As Ajak finished, she cursed under her breath, her fear had been confirmed.

"It's Mahd Wy'ry" She said to everyone, as soon as she spoke those words Thena woke up with a start, gasping. Everyone got ready to attack if it came to it, Druig even placed Metzi behind him out of instinct.

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