Mahtlactli onnahui

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Metzi opened her eyes, the rays of the sun peaking through the curtains. She hummed and snuggled closer to her pillow, she felt a foreign weight over her body. She tensed for a moment before she recalled the events of the previous night. Her eyes flew open, she was shocked, couldn't believe she had been too weak and fallen for his tactics once again.

Fuck.Shit. Filled her thoughts. They were so loud she was sure she was going to wake up Druig. She turned to face him, for a moment her thoughts subdued. It reminded her of the old days when she would wake up every day next to him. Snapping out of her memories, she tried to wiggle out from his grasp without waking him up.

The mission was successful, she had her panties on although she had to find a shirt. She went to the bathroom, closing the door silently. As she got in, she spotted a shirt underneath the sink. She put it on.

She splashed some cold water on her face, trying to wake her up and clear her thoughts. The latter was still clouded with saying all the curse words she knew. She couldn't believe that they had kissed and then slept together. What would this mean for them? Did he still have feelings for her? Too many questions swarmed her, and she felt overwhelmed.

Her hands were gripping the bathroom sink with great force, she looked at herself in the mirror. Hair disheveled, face tainted red, neck littered with love marks. She controlled her breathing, she was not about to have a full-on attack in the bathroom while Druig was on the other side of the door.

When she was calm enough, she exited the bathroom. Druig stirred as she sat on the edge of the bed. She sat silently, looking down at her hands. Not so long after, she heard Druig mumbling something and felt the bed shift.

"G'd morning."

"Hey." She turned her head to look at him. He was shirtless, he was rubbing the sleep of his eyes.

"You an early riser now?" He teased her, knowing very well that she hated getting up early. He was now sitting, his back leaning on the headboard of the bed.

"You're awfully silent for someone whose thoughts woke me up." He chimed in when he saw the tight smile she had offered him.

She sighed, defeated. It was too obvious. After all, they knew each other like the back of their hand.

"Yesterday, it was a mistake. Right?" Deep inside she didn't want to discard it. But for her sanity she didn't want it to turn into something, she was too afraid of what might happen.

For a split second, Druig seemed taken back, quickly he recovered.

"Great. If that's all it was to you, then I guess it's solved." Abruptly he stood up. Thankfully he had his boxers on. He managed to find his discarded clothes, he was angrily putting them on.

"Druig, don't act like that. I don't know what you want me to say." She was now walking tentatively towards him.

"Nothing. I think you've said enough. I hear you loud and clear." He was now fully dressed. He had an annoyed look on his face.

Metzi recognized that he was being passive-aggressive towards her because he would rather throw a comment her way rather than face the issue.

"No. It isn't nothing. You're literally avoiding talking about it. Tell me what you think about this whole situation." She knew she was pushing him a little too far but it was needed. He couldn't just blame it all on her and avoid the whole conversation.

He sighed heavily, shoulders relaxing. He rubbed his face with his right hand before letting it all out.

"I thought it meant something. Metzi, there's still something between us. You can't deny that you feel it too. There's something unfinished between us, and I'd rather give it a try than wonder for eternity what could've been."

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