First date (grayson)

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Grayson was the most popular guy in school. You were shocked that he actually asked you out. You didnt know where you guys were going so you just texted him.

Me: hey graybae, what should i wear for our date 2day
Gray: hey boo, just wear a bikini and wear some shorts over it you'll see where we're going. See u in a few

You into a bikini and wore some high waisted shorts with a baggy tank top. Grayson pulled up infront of your house and greeted you with a giant hug. "Ready to go" he asks. You nod your head and go to where ever the date is. You turned your head to see a beautiful picnic on the beach. "Grayson!" you said in excitement. He chuckled and opened the door for you. You ran to the picnic with grayson behind you. The whole night, you two went swimming in the ocean, took fun videos of doing cartwheels, and ate yummy food. After the date, you layed on the blanket with graysons arm wrapped around you as you layed on his chest. You looked up at him and he looked down at you. That was when you two shared the most romantic kiss.

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