#140 Your sister is a celebrity

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Ethan: Ethan was hanging out with you for the entire day while your parents were out shopping. When Ethan was in your room, lots of things caught his eye. "Woah y/n! Theres so much pictures of you and katy perry!" Ethan said as he was looking at the pictures. "Yeah, she's awesome. But she's in her room watching tv right now" you say sitting on the bed. "Wait! You mean...she's in this house right now?!" Ethan said wide eyed. "Yeah. We're sisters. Didnt you notice my last name was Perry" you say. "Hey y/n. Do you want dinner" katy asked. "OH MY GOD! Its you! I mean hi! I mean i love you!" Ethan said talking fast. "He just found out" katy said. You nodded. "It really makes me happy to know that you love my music" katy said kissing ethans cheek. "Im just gonna order pizza" katy said before walking out. Ethan was frozen. "Wow" he said.

Grayson: You and Grayson had a movie night at your house. "Um y/n?" Gray asked. "Yeah. Whats up" you say. "Why do you have pictures with the whole cast of Mean Girls. And you have so much pictures with Rachel McAdams! You also have tons of props from her movies too! Oh my god. Is this the burn book?!" Grayson asked with his jaw nearly touching the floor. "Uh Grayson? Rachel McAdams is my older sister. I didnt know you were a huge fan of her" you said laughing. "No freakin' way! Can i meet her?! Is she here now?! Can i get her autograph?!" Grayson said jumping up and down. "Woah woah woah guys! Keep it down! Im rehearsing my lines" Rachel says. Grayson just stared at her. "Whats up with lover boy" Rachel said pointing to Grayson. "Huge fan" say. Grayson was still staring. "You must be grayson. Y/n told me soooo much about you. Thank you for watching all my movies" Rachel said hugging grayson. "Oh my god! Rachel McAdams is hugging me!" Grayson said smiling. "Here's an autoraph picture of the whole cast of Mean Girls" Rachel said. "Thank you so much!" Grayson said hugging her again.

A/N: if you dont know who Rachel McAdams is, heres a hint.......
Regina George

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