#136 You get hate

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Idea by JulianaFlores5

Ethan: Ethan was doing Dolan Twin Tuesday but without Grayson. The video was a Q and A. You sat behind the camera watching him as he kept winking at you. "Next question. Why are you dating that slut y/n? She's a whore who should just die in a hole" Ethan read. Your smiled dropped as you looked at the floor. Your vision got blurry. Ethan looked at you with sad in his eyes. A tear left your eye as you let out a quiet sob. You ran out of the room and ran upstairs where you layed on the bed crying. "Do you really call yourself a fan?! This is my girlfriend your talking about! You disgust me for what you tweeted! Y/n is not a slut. She's a beautiful girl who i love and care about. How dare you say that about her! Im done with this" Ethan said as he turned off the camera. He went upstairs to see you in a ball crying in the pillow. "Hey hey hey. Look at me y/n. Your a beautiful girl. Dont listen to what they say okay. Your stronger than this. Those are not true fans. I care about you so much and it hurts to see what they say about you. I love you so much y/n" ethan said as he held you. "I love you too ethan. T-thank you for supporting me. It shows how much you care" you say as you pecked his lips. Ethan sat there holding you as you nuzzled your head in his chest until you two fell asleep.

Grayson: You and Grayson decided to do a Q and A. There were some fun questions until it came across one. "How does it feel to be dating a fat cow like that bitch y/n? Maybe the reason why she makes herself throw up is because she knows she's a fat cow" Grayson read. Your heart stopped as you froze. Graysons eyes widen with his haw slightly open. "My blood is boiling right now to the point i want to punch someone" grayson said. You didnt say anything. It was like you tried to speak but nothing came out. You ran upstairs and locked yourself in the bathroom. "Im not gonna say anything because I'll end up being reported or hated on. Im grayson dolan. See you guys next week" Grayson said as he shut off the camera. You shoved your fingers so far down your throat and threw up. You started throwing up blood. Graysom barged in and a tear fell down his cheek. He slid down the wall and cried. He crawled over to you and looked you in your eyes. "Please stop doing that. I know you dont think of yourself as a beautiful girl, but i do. Please dont listen to those assholes. They dont know how amazing you are okay. I promise i will always support you all the way. I love you y/n. And your the most beautiful person I've ever met. I love you so so so much" Grayson said tearing up even more. You let out a sob as you cried in his shoulder. "Shhh babe. Its ok. Let it all out. It'll be over soon" Grayson said as he stroked your hair. "Promise" you whispered. "Promise" he whispered.

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