imagine for Juliana

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For JulianaFlores5

(Your POV)
Things were being thrown. There was yelling. There were tears. Worst fight you can ever think of. I was sitting at the table with my head in my hands as i kept hearing grayson yell/scream/curse. For some reason, he thought i cheated on him. But i didnt. "FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME! I DIDNT CHEAT ON YOU!" I yelled. "STOP LYING! ADMIT THAT YOUR A SLUT!" he yelled. Those words kept swimming in my head. Did my boyfriend just call me a slut?! I turned around and walked towards him, balling my fists. "What did you say" i said clenching my jaw. "YOU HEARD ME! YOUR A SLUT! A WHORE! A BITCH! I NEVER LOVED YOU! JUST LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK! GO BACK WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND!" grayson yelled in my face. "Grayson i-" he cut me off. "I DONT WANNA HEAR IT! GET OUT NOW!" he yelled pointing to the door. My lip was trembling, vision was bluring, choking on my own words. "Fine. If thats how you feel...then fine. Call me a slut. Call me a whore. But from what i know, im neither of those things. I never cheated on you" i said as i whispered the last part. Tears were slowly dripping down my cheek. I went upstairs and packed my bags. I left not saying one word. I went to my moms house. "Hey m-mom. Can i s-stay here p-please" i said. "Of course honey.
Y/D/N!" Mom called my dad. "Juliana? What happened sweety" my dad said. "G-grayson thought i c-cheated on
h-him but i d-didn't. Then he c-called me a slut a-and a whore and k-kicked me out" i said as i cried in my dads shoulder. "You can stay in your own room okay honey" mom said. I nodded and layed in my bed and fell asleep. Two hours later, i awoke to the sound of arguing. It sounded like my mom, dad, and brother. But there was a third voice. Graysons?! I tip toed to the hallway and stood up the staircase. "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!" dad yelled. "Look sir, i just wanna talk to juliana" grayson said. "WHAT YOU DID TO MY SISTER, WAS REALLY SHITTY! I SHOULD BEAT YOUR ASS RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!" my brother yelled cracking his knuckles. "Dont" i said. "Juliana" grayson said. He took a step forward but my brother blocked him. "Its okay" i said. I walked down the stairs. "What uh...what are you doing here" i said looking down. "I came to apologize" he said. "I cant even look at you" i said wiping tears. "You dont have to. Just hear me out. I didnt know why i said those things. I do love you. And i dont think of you as a slut or a whore" he said. "Then why did you call me those things" i said looking up. "I-i dont know. Anger took over me. I know you didnt cheat because i called your bestfriend and she told me the truth. Im so fucking stupid for letting you go" he said. "Clearly" dad mumbled. "Dad" i said. "Anything else" i said. "Yes. Im so so so sorry. I know you wont forgive me. Just please dont leave me. I-i cant take one minute of being away from you. And i dont know what to do any more" graysons voice cracked. I walked towards him. I hugged him. His arms around my waist. My arms around his neck. "Promise you wont hurt me" i whispered. "Promise" he whispered. "This is your last chance Dolan. You break her heart, I'll break your face" my brother said. "Understood" grayson said. Grayson kept his promise. He never hurt me again.

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