#67 He yells at your child

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Ethan: Ehan has been very stressed with work. You were on the couch while ethan was in the kitchen working. Your son Daniel or as you like to call him Danny, ran to Ethan. "Daddy, daddy, daddy" Danny said as he tugged on ethans shirt. "Not right now im working" ethan said sounding stressed. "im hungry" danny yelled. "Im busy" ethan said angrily. "But daddy" danny said still tugging ethans shirt. "IM BUSY!" ethan yelled. Danny ran to you and broke down into tears. "How could you yell at him? He's only three. All he wanted was some food" you yelled. Ethan had a sad face. He walked over to you and Danny. "Im sorry little man. Daddy is just stressed out with work. I didnt mean to yell at you. How about we eat anything you want" ethan said. "Ok daddy" danny said. The three of you ended up making a mess in the kitchen that YOU had to clean up.

Grayson: Your four year old daughter Embree was always hyper. Grayson was on his laptop sitting on the couch while you were washing dishes. Embree was jumping on the couch which annoyed Grayson. "Embree, please sit down, im working" Grayson said. "Little Einsteins!" your daughter sang. "Embree...im serious. Stop jumping" Grayson said sounding annoyed. Embree kept jumping. "I SAID SIT DOWN!" Grayson yelled. Embree looked at him with her watery eyes before running towards you. She hid behind you as you tried to comfort her. "D-d-daddy yelled at m-me" Embree cried. You looked over at Grayson and then looked back at Embree. "Em...come here" Grayson said calmly. Embree walked over to Grayson. He picked her up and sat her down on his lap. "Im so sorry for yelling at you princess. I was working and you were distracting me. I got mad and i didnt mean to yell at you okay. Will you forgive me" Grayson said. Embree looked at him with her red puffy eyes and layed on his chest. I grabbed a blanket for the both of them as Embree fell asleep on his chest. "I guess thats a yes" Grayson whispered before he kissed her cheek.

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