#103 He finds out your boyfriend is abusive

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Ethan: You have been bestfriends with Ethan for five years. You told eachother everything. But what he didnt know was that you would get a beating everyday at home by your boyfriend. Y/b/f/n would always take his anger out on you. If you didnt do something he says, if you talk back, if your late. You came over and hung out with ethan and his friends. "Jesus y/n! Whats up with your eye" jake says as he points to your eye. "Oh, i was moving some boxes and hit my eye on the door. Then BAM! Black eye" you say as you fake laugh while looking down. "Im sure you cant get a black eye from that. Now will you tell me what really happened" ethan says. You stay silent. "Jake, go grab me by baseball bat" ethan says. Grayson comforts you as ethan, jake, and ryan got to your house. A few minutes later, ethan came back with a bloody lip and bloody knuckles. "What happened?!" you said as you ran to him. "He sure as hell wont be walking anymore" jake laughs. "Thank you eth. I appreciate it" you say. "Anything for you y/n. Your like family" he says as he pulls you in for a hug.

Grayson: Grayso was your big brother. Of course he would be protective cause you were his baby sister. You brang your boyfriend over for dinner. You were scared to death. You decided to wear some skinny jeans and a sweater to cover up your bruises. You sat infront of y/b/f/n, grayson sat next to him, and your family sat wherever they want. You told a funny story about y/b/f/n which got him mad. He kicked your ankle which mde you yelp. "What happened" your mom said. "Just a cramp mom. Im fine" you said. You looked over at y/b/f/n and he mouthed 'watch whats gonna happen'. You started shaking. But what you didnt know was that grayson was watching his every move. "Y/n, can you show me where the bathroom is" y/b/f/n said. You got up and went into the hallway. He slapped you across the face. You fell to the floor. "HEY ASSHOLE!" grayson yelled as he jumped on your boyfriend and satrted pounding his face. Ethan pulled grayson off of him. Your mom rushed over to you while your dad grabbed your bf by the shirt and threw him outside. "TOUCH MY SISTER AGAIN AND YOUR DEAD MEAT!" Grayson yelled. "AND I'LL BE THE ONE WHO BURRIES YOU!" your dad yelled before closing the door and turning on the sprinklers. Grayson ran to you and pulled in for a tight hug. You cried in his shoulder. "Thanks for being a good big brother" you said. "Anything for my baby sister " he said as he kisses your forehead.

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