imagine for Helen

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For @ashashyashton

(Your POV)
I cant believe it! My crush actually asked me out! His name is Ethan Dolan. My very first date. I tied by long brown hair up in a neat bun. And i wore some light eye shadow to bring out my hazel eyes. I wore a red dress with a jean jacket and some white converses. I sddenly heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Ethan holding flowers. He kissed my cheek. I blused. "You look stunning Helen" he said. "Thanks" i said. I got in his car and we drove to Applebees. We sat down and already ordered. "So Helen, tell me about yourself" ethan asked me. "Well, there's really not much to say. Um, I've been living in New Jersey for 1 year. Uh, i love to draw. Im scared of heights. I like to play basketball. And im in gymnastics. So i can do those back tuck thingys" i said giggling. "Thats so cool! Well, i have a twin brother. I like to play basketball too. Im afraid of clowns. My favorite color is red. And im ticklish on my ear" he said. I giggled. Our food was here and we ate. Then we saw a movie. After that, he took me home. I went near my door and ethan was infront of me. "I had fun today" i said. "Yeah, me too" he said. He started leaning in. "HELEN! MOM SAID SHE NEEDS MAXIPADS!" my brother screamed. I slapped my forehead. "Bye" i said as i kissed ethans cheek. I got inside and slid down the door. "Your gonna pay for that" i said to my brother who was laughing.

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