#77 His dirty pickup line

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1. 'Girl, you should sell hotdogs, cause you know how to make a weiner stand'
2. 'I heard you got bad grades...Im sure this D wont hurt'
3. 'Babe, are you an elevator? Because i want to go down on you'
4. 'I would tell you a joke about my penis...but its too long;-)'
5. 'I forgot my blow job at your house, can i come over and get it'

1. 'My dick just died, can i bury it in your vagina'
2. 'Im a zombie, can i eat you out'
3. 'Has anyone told you your ass looks like a phone? Cause i wanna press the pound button all day'
4. 'Your ass is pretty tight, want me to loosen it up'
5. 'Hey baby, im kind of cold. Can i use your thighs as earmuffs'

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