He leaves you while your pregnant (part2)

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Ethan: You haven't seen ethan in two years after the incident. To clear your mind, you went to the park with your three year old son Tommy. "Mommy look! Birds!" Tommy said laughing. "I know! Their so pretty. Want some icecream" you said. Tommy nodded. As you both ate your icecream, you saw him. He was walking towards you. "Y/n?" you heard him say. You turned around to see Ethan infront of you. "Hey ethan! Its been so long" you said as he hugged you. "How have you been" ethan asked. "Im uh...im good" you suddenly got cut off by tommy hugging your leg. "And who's this one" ethan asked as he kneeled down to tommys height. "This is Tommy. My son" you said as you place your hand on tommys head. Tommy looked exactly like Ethan. His eyes, his smile, his personality. Everything. "He's mine isn't he" ethan asked as he stood up. You nodded as you looked down. Suddenly, you felt a pair of lips touch yours. "Im so sorry. I shouldve listened to you. Please give me another chance. For our son. Please..." ethan whispered. "I would love that" you said. "Hey tommy. Im your dad" ethan said. "DADDY!" Tommy yelled as he hugged ethan.

Grayson: You gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Embree. She was almost turning five. She had graysons features. She was just like him. "Hey em, wanna go to the beach today" you asked your nodded. She nodded with a big smile. You walked out of your house amd went on the boardwalk amd went to the beach. You held your daughter as she hung on to your waist. You spun her around as she laughed. "Y/n?!" you heard someone from behind. You turned around as your jaw dropped. "Hey em, go build a sandcastle okay" you told Embree. She nodded and went in the sand. "Hey grayson" you said as you hugged him. "I missed you" he said. "I missed you too" you said. "Mommy! I need help!" Embree yelled. "Hold on" you told grayson. You ran to embree and helped her. Grayson followed. "Here you go babe" you told embree. "Yay! We did it!" Embree clapped her hands as she hugged you. "Hey sweetie, whats your name" grayson asked embree. "Im embree" Embree said in her little voice. "Thats a beautiful name" grayson said. Embree smiled. "Mommy, i like him" embree whispered. "She's mine right" gray aske you. "Yeah" you said. "Im so sorry! Please, i shouldve listened to you when i had the chance! Im so stupid for leaving you. Just give me a chance. Im still inlove with you. I was nothing without you. Please forgive me...im sorry" grayson said. "I guess i can make that work" you said with a smile. Grayson picked you up and spun you around. "Embree, come here babe" you said. Embree ran over to you. "Um...em, this is grayson. He's your daddy" you said. Embree's jaw dropped. She ran to grayson and hugged him. Grayson spun her around as well. She laughed. "I love you so much....both of you" gray said as you all had a group hug. Months later, you and grayson got married and had another child.

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