#73 He does push ups over you

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Ethan: Ethan was exercising in the grage so you decided to surprise him. He was doing push ups. You crawled underneath him. "What are you doing" he said in between breaths. "Nothing. Just watching you workout" you said smirking. He playfully rolled his eyes and continued doing pushups. "1...*kiss*...2...*kiss*...3...*kiss*" he said as he kissed you. "Your so cute" you said as you crawle out from underneath him.

Grayson: You went into the living room to see grayson doing pushups. He loves to exercise so he can show off his abs to you. Just looking at him made you turned on. His sweaty body...the way his muscles look in his tank top...OH GOD! Anyways, you went under him and he smirked. "Hey babe" you said. "May i help you" he said grinning. "How are your pushups doing" you said. "Bad, but they just got better now that your here" he said. "Want me to help you out" you said smirking. He went to lean in but you screamed "FIVE MORE!" He got scared and jumped. You kayed there laughing. He then tackled you and abused you with kisses...which ended up in the bedroom.

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