He surprises you (ethan)

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Ethan was away in California for Playlist Live when you got a call from him. "Hey babe, cant wait to see you tomorrow" you said smiling your ass off. "Hey baby, about that...uh...our flight got cancelled and we'll be here for two more days" he says. After he says thos words, it immediately breaks your heart. "Oh..." you said with a crack in your voice. "Baby, please dont cry. I'll be there before you know it" he says. "Ok..well, becareful" you say and you cry into your pillow.
"Y/N, come down here. I need help moving somethings from outside" your mom calls you. As you go downstairs you see Ethan holding a teddy bear and some roses. You hug him so tight and kiss him for what felt like forever. "Told you I'll be here before you know it" he whispers in your ear. You smile and spend the rest of the day cuddling.

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