imagine Julie

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For JulieMarie739

(Your POV)
Today is summer! Best season ever. I decided to go to the beach with my husband Grayson, and my two twin boys, Seth and Dylan. There was only one problem. Seth had ADHD and autism. I didnt care at all. I will always love him. Dylan and Seth were the types of boys you would hang out with. They were just like Grayson. But in kid form. "Come on Gray. Get the twins so we can go" i yelled from downstairs. Grayson came down and handed Seth to me while he held Dylan. "Ready to go bud" i asked Seth. He didnt say anything. Those were one of the symptoms in autism. But i didnt care. We arrived at the beach nd saw lots of people there. Grayson held Dylan's hand while i held Seth's hand. "Seth look! Boats!" I said as i pointed to the ocean. He didnt look at me. He just started playing with sand. I just looked at grayson and he shook his head. Seth and Dylan were laughing so much. "NOOOOO!!!!!" Seth yelled. People started to stare. "Seth, lower your voice hun" i whispered. "NO!!!!!" he yelled as he threw sand. "Seth, calm down" grayson said. All of a sudden, Seth got up and started running around us. "Seth, sit down sweetie" i said. He started building sand castles. "Look seth, the plane" i said. He didnt look up. "So seth, do you like the beach" grayson said. Seth didnt answer. "Im gonna go take Dylan to the water" grayson said. Seth started pointing to his stomach. "What happened" i said. He pointed to his mouth. "Hungry" i said. He nodded. I gave him a juice box and some apple sauce. We went back home. Seth started running every where. It was getting late and i was tired. I picked up dylan and seth, and put them to bed. Seth was snacking my hand. "Ow! Seth dont do that" i said. "Im sorry mommy" he said tearing up. "Its alright baby. Just get some sleep okay" i said. He nodded. I went to bed and sighed. "Goodnight gray" i said. "Goodnight sila" he said. "NO!!!!!" Seth started yelling. "Here we go again" grayson said as i got out of bed. Boy, what a night.

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