The road to be a chunin

630 14 2

((Rina's P.O.V))

''WHATTTTT! A WTITTEN TEST!!" The loud knuckle head exclaimed.

"Yes. You will be drawing lots on where you are to sit. Do it now and then I will explain the test." Ibiki stated as a chunin stepped forward with a large box.

We took our seats. Me between shikamaru and sasuke at the side seats. Naruto in front of sakura in the middle row. Ibiki explained that the group cannot have a zero and told us not to get caught. I figured that the trick is to cheat.

Soon the test beginned. I glanced to my side to see sasuke with his sharingan on. Sakura had just finished, Ino was using her mind transfer jutsu, shikamaru was...sleeping. Mah, being the smarty pants he was,he probaly finished already.

"Earth style: Invisible spying table technique." I mutter softly.

A small eye that was only visible to me appeared at the front table beside the ninja that sasuke was copying the answers from earlier. I closed both my eyes to see the answers.

Opening my eyes, a satisfied smirk creeped up my face and I start copying the answers I had memorised. I smiled as I knew I was done. I looked to naruto and frown. He look completely helpless. I could tell he was panicking. This wasn't good.

Before I had even got a chance to help him with one of my jutsus, Ibiki told us it was over and it was time for the tenth question.

"Before I tell you the tenth question. I would like to ask you. Would you like to carry on? " His question caused some mumbling from the groups infront of him. Most of them shouted yes.

He smirked and continued.

"If you fail this time. You will stay a genin forever. There is still next time and its not too late to back out now." He smirked.

Dozens of teams shakily raised their hands and started apologising to their teammates at the same time.

Naruto shakily raised his hand as he looked down. Naruto!

Naruto dont! I thought.

He slammed his hand on the table before the examiner was about to disqualify us.

"I won't quit! Even if I have to stay a genin forever, I'll still make my way to be a hokage!" Naruto shouted with a cheeky grin as he raised his head.

Sasuke smirked while me and sakura smiled. We should already know that he wasn't one to quit.

"Anyone else wants to quit?" Ibiki asked smirking.

" all pass! Congratulations!" He bellowed.

The teams cheered happily as ibiki countef the remaining teams. Just then, something black fell into the room causing everyone to be shocked.
The person wasted no time. She quickly unrolled herself from a black sheet held it up by two kunais.


She reminded me of...naruto, I thought and sweatdropped.

"You are early...again."Ibiki peered out from the back of the sheet.

Her face went red emberassment as she put her fist down slowly. She then looked around the room.

"Eh. You let fourty five team pass? You're getting soft Ibiki." She stated.

"Either that or we have many talented ones here." He replied, smirking.

"Mah! Doesn't matter anyway. The next exam will cut them in half." She returned the smirk.

"Saa everyone! Follow me. We are going to the second exam's venue!" She exclaimed as one by one the teams started walking out with her.

I just hoped everything is okay...I have a bad feeling about this, I thought as I walked beside sasuke and the others.

We arrived at the place a few minutes later. Anko stopped at the front and started explaining.

"This is the forest of death. This is where the second exam is going to be held." She started. " It has your worst nightmares." She said creepily.

" It looks...scary." Sakura muttered.

"Nooo it doesn't, It looks like funnn." I said, being sacastic.

She glared at me and was about to say something when Naruto cut her off.

"It has your worst nightmares" Naruto mimicked her.

With his funny accent, I started laughing loudly but stopped when a kunai swiftly passed my cheek, missing it by inches instead It cut naruto's cheek.

She instantly appeared beside him. With her finger under the wound she made she said.

" Boys like you spill so much of the red blood I love." She said, licking the blood off her finger.

"Creepy much" I wispered softly when a woman with long hair came behind the sadistic examiner passing her the kunai she threw earlier with her tounge.

"Next time you come so close. You will die. Thanks anyway." She smirked. "It seems we got many bloodthirsty ones here!" She smiled looking at all of us.

She handed us forms and explained that she will not be held responsible for any of our deaths if we fill in the paper. We did as we were told and then essambled infront of our respective gates after getting the heaven scroll from the counter.

"BEGIN!" Anko shouted.

In a second, sasuke and I, followed by sakura and naruto sprinted off in to the forest of death.

This is the road to be chunin...


Okay first. Ill like to say sorry for the super long wait. I had a major writers block and now im glad thats over. I dont own naruto so yeah...till the next chapter.

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