The bridge builder!

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(( soon, third person P.O.V))

Team 7 arrived with Tazuna, the bridge builder but their sensei was nowhere to be seen.

" Ugh, Is he going to be late again?" Sakura whined.

"He's really going to get it this time! OUR FIRST MISSION AND HIS LATE!"Naruto complained loudly.

After minutes of waiting, Kakashi finally appeared.

" Yo. sorry I'm late. I had to help an old lady cross the street." He said with his closed eye smile.

Rina, Naruto and Sakura's eye twitched and was going to yell at him while Sasuke looked as calm as ever. Tazuna looked at Kakashi.

" Since we are all here shall we get going?" Tazuna asked.

Kakashi simply nodded and jumped down.

"OKAY! WE ARE GOING ON A MISSION! LETS HAVE SOME FUN!" Naruto shouted excitedly.

Sakura punched him on his head instantly, telling him he was too loud.

((Rina's P.O.V))

" BAKA! YOU'RE TOO LOUD!" Sakura shouts into Naruto's ear.

I sigh. Of course his excited about leaving the village. Because of the 'kyuubi incident' everyone was keeping a close eye on him so now it's only natural that he is excited.

" I'm I really going to be okay with this brat here?" Tazuna asked otou-san.

" It's okay! I'm the jounin here." dad replied causing me to roll my eyes, he's showing off again.

~Timeskip to the puddle bit~

We were walking on a dirt road path surrounded by trees when I noticed a puddle. I knew it hadn't rained in a few days so how could there be a puddle?

I then sensed two chakra signatures coming from the puddle. I shook off that feeling of being watched and slowly went to otou-san but he turned to me and nodded, signaling that he was already aware of it.

Suddenly, two ninjas appeared out of the puddle and wrapped their chains around otou-san, shredding him to bits although I knew it was a clone. I made handsigns for my water sphere jutsu.

" Suiton:Water sphere jutsu!" I screamed as water swirled around the two ninjas, completely trapping them in the ball of water.

One of them managed to get a kunai pass my water though. I realized it was heading in the direction of Tazuna. So their target is Tazuna, huh. I turned around to face Tazuna, totally losing focus on my water ball. Sasuke dashed in and deflected the kunai with his own. I sigh in relieve but quickly turned around when I heard a splash.

'Shit' I mentally cursed. I forgot about the jutsu! The two ninjas scratched Naruto on the hand and headed towards Tazuna. Sakura ran in front of Tazuna, stretching out her arms. She probably figured acting as if she could protect him would impress Sasuke. I ran in front of Sakura and did the same. Soon enough, Sasuke came in front of us just as the man stretched out his arm with claws, ready to kill.

I closed my eyes, ready to hear blood sounds but opened them to find Kakashi. He had both the ninjas under his arm.I ran and took them from him, tying them up to a nearby tree.

" Good job, Sakura, Sasuke and Rina. Naruto, sorry I didn't come on time, I got you hurt. I didn't expect you to freeze up like that." Otou-San said, shifting his glance on Tazuna.

" Can I have a word with you, Tazuna-san?" Kakashi asked.

" why did you let them fight if you were alive?" Tazuna asked Kakashi as he followed him.

Otou-san stopped."I could have killed them instantly if I wanted but I needed to know who was their target.' he said, stopping next to the tree the ninjas were tied to.

" Meaning to say?" the bridge builder raised an eyebrow.

" They were targeting someone from our group. And that person is you. We were hired to protect you from robbers or thieves but not ninjas. This could easily turn into a expensive B rank mission" otou-san said as he looked at the sky

"Naruto is injured and we can't take on a B rank mission. Let's quit! We need to get to the hospital." Sakura said. clearly she was scared.

"Well, true, we need a doctor... I guess we'll head back." Kakashi said.

Just then, Naruto took his kunai and stabbed his wound, getting the poisoned blood out.

" I swear with this kunai, I'll protect Tazuna." he said.

"Ummmm, good that you got the poison out but now you'll die of the lack of blood." otou-san said.

Naruto panicked but after getting a scolding from Sakura saying how abusive he was to his body and having otou-san bandage his wound, we continued the mission.


Yo! it's been awhile, yes? How was this chapter? hope you like it.

Sasori: vote or else...*brings out puppet*... I kill you.

Me:Sasori-kun. You're scaring everyone away. I'm sure votes would come soon, just wait.

Sasori: I hate to wait. *leaves*

Me: jeez. Anyway, comment as I would really love to hear what you think and advise me so I can make it better.

Naruto: Shiyong3699 doesn't own me dattebayo. she only owns the different plot she makes and Rina-chan, BELIEVE IT!

Me: okay with that said, see you till the next chapter.

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