Fun before the exams

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((Rina's P.O.V))

The fight between zabuza and haku finished a week ago. Kakashi was so relieved that I was okay. Although I was really sore. I was currently half awake because I had to stop my alarm clock that rung at 7am. Who set the time? I have no idea. All I know is, the alarm clock has been thrown out of the window and now im sleeping.




"What?!" I mutter sleepily.








"Whaaaaaaat????!" I dragged the A and looked at him with one eye open so it was litterally like this(~_0).

"Its time to get up. We can spend the day together." He said simply.

" why not spend the day sleeping together????im sleeplyyyy" I whined childishly.

" come on kiddo. Lets have some fun" he said as he pulled me out of bed.

" fine... lets go..." I agreed and went to the bathroom.

We stopped by Ichiraku ramen store to have lunch. Naruto was not surprisingly there. We ate and chat but otousan being the person he was, ate so quickly that he finished before even one second pass. This made naruto fustrated and me annoyed. When will I ever see whats under his mask? Probaly never...

We then walked around konoha for a while. I noticed he kept his focus on that orange book of his as he walked. Maybe its time to have some fun.... I got closer to him and then in one swift movement, I snatched the book out of his hand and started running.

"Caught you unexpectedly? I thought a ninja is not supposed to let down their guard?" I mocked him while laughing like a maniac.

"RINA HATAKE! YOU WILL GIVE ME BACK MY BOOK NOW YOUNG LADY OR YOU ARE GROUNDED!!!" He shouted as he jumped from roof to roof,chasing me.

Hahhahahahaha was all that could be heard as a reply from me.

"Come on old man. Not losing your skills are you?" I mocked.

"IM NOT OLD! IM 25 YEARS OLD! WHY YOU!" His face started to turn red.

Our chasing session carried on for a few hours. I reached the thirds training ground and realising that I have now nowhere else to run as kakashi was infront of me and a river was behind me. I held the book over the water.

"WAIT! DONT!DONT YOU DARE! I WILL DISOWN YOU IF YOU DO!" He threatened with teary eyes.

I sigh and told him to back off. He did so and I tossed him his book. He caught it and quickly put it in his pouch behind him.

"Are you trying to give your old man a heart attack?" He asked slightly annoyed.

"See you just amitted it. Your an old man!BAHAWAHAHAHAHA!" I laughted as he had a tick mark.

"Im your father and your sensei! You will show me some respect!" He said.

Its fun pushing his buttons. I just giggled and then dashed past him. He muttered somthing and ran to catch up with me and then it all happened. He fell into a hole that were covered by leaves.

"Earth style: Large crater technique. A ninja must look beneath the underneath...right sensei?" I said with a closed eye smile.

"Why did I ever have to take care of a trouble maker?" He asked seemingly to nobody.

"But thats why you love me right?" I smiled.

"Probaly so" he chuckled,ruffling my hair.

We climbed out of the trap I made and went home. Man... today was a fun day. After I showered and changed into my pajamas I noticed the smell of smoke ligering in the air.

I ran down to find a panicking kakashi in a kitchen with a stove on fire. It turns out otousan dont know how to cook so we ended up going to ichiraku ramen for dinner. We then raced home. I slumped into my bed and slept as otou san did the same in his room.


Thank you for reading and i dont own naruto.

Asuma: If she did it would be terrible....

Kurenai: I may agree but the way you put it....its mean.

Me: I agree with kurenai-senpai! you're mean!

Kakashi: you have no say in this.

Me:'re.....worse then him! PERVERT!

Neji: you guys... its time to end this chapter already!

Gai: Till the next chapter!

Me: yup! JA NE MINNA!!!!


Me and Lee: YEAH!

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