The forest of death. 1

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((Rina's P.O.V))

We took a break after a few hours of running in the forest and setting up muliple traps along the way.

We sat down on the dirt path surround by trees and rested.

"Ugh! I can't hold it anymore! " naruto exclaimed."im gonna take a piss" He added as he unzipped his pants after turning away from us.

Sakura got a tick mark and punch him on the head.


He held his head wimpering as he stumbled into the bush.

After a few minutes passed. Naruto finally came out and sighed in relieve.
"Ahhhhh. I spelled my whole name."

Sakura was going to beat him again but stopped when sasuke threw a kunai at naruto. Naruto suprisingly jumped back and missed the kunai.

"Sasuke-kun It wasn't that bad. You didn't need to go that far."

"Yeah. SASUKE!" Naruto shouted.

"The real naruto wouldn't be able to dodge that kunai so professionally. By the way, naruto has his ninja pack strapped on the right leg not the left. And...wheres the cut the examiner put on his cheek? You are not naruto." Sasuke explained.

"Unlucky. I got found out." The ninja muttered.

He and sasuke started fighting and in the end, sasuke won.

The ninja fled and sasuke sat down calmly. He mentioned for us to make a circle.

"We need to make a password just in case we get seperated. He beginned.

We nodded in response as he continued.

"The question is, when does a ninja strike?" He replied to the silence he recieved.

" A ninja strikes when the time is right. They wait till the enemy is down and strike." He said.

"I thought it is a password not passphase" groaned naruto.

"Well I got it down on the first try. Are you dumb or what??" Sakura stated boastfully.

I rolled my eyes at her statement.

"How troublesome. I got it down I guess " I muttered.

He nodded in reply.

Suddenly, wind sliced my cheek. I touched it, wincing. I looked at sasuke, indicating someone was here. He nodded. Strong wind came from the front of us. I then spotted the three grass ninjas infront of us. The middle one was the same one that handed the examiner the kunai with the extremely long tounge.

The wind stopped resulting in a missing naruto and sakura. I growled as the two grass nins disappered somewhere else, leaving us with the middle one.

Sasuke activated his sharingan as I took my battle stance.

I made handsigns of boar, rat, ox and dog then spit my lava release at him. He doged with ease as he suddenly appeared in front of me.

He grabbed me by my neck. I clawed at his hand as i tried to loosen the grip but failed miserably.

"I wish I was there." He muttered in my ear. His breath tickling my neck slightly.

"W-w-what?" I stuttered.

"I wish I was there when she died. The look on kakashi's face...I wish I saw it. That night when she died." He continued.

I didn't say anything. I knew what he meant by 'she'. He wanted to see her die....

I wimpered as I felt his hand roaming on my chest. Touching and groping slightly. Tears started roll down. I was scared beyond anything.

"You want vengence don't you, little Hatake?" He continued.

"I can help you" he said as he dropped me and kicked me so hard until my back colided painfully with the trunk. He towered over me as looked at me with pity. I stepped on me then seeing I couldn't 'entertain' him. He left.

My eyesight was blurry but I could still see sasuke and him fighting. Sakura had arrived. A moment later, I heard naruto's voice. I tried to move but stiffen when I heard a Bloodcurling scream.

"Sasuke"I muttered as I saw his blurry figure.

I then felt an arm around my waist. It painfully hoisted me up. Before I Knew it everything went black.

((Third person's P.O.V))

Oochimaru held the girl in his arms. To him she was a beautiful speciment. He licked his lips as he thought how wonderful it is that he got a hatake with a rare kekkei genkai and an uchiha.

He started jumping from branches to branches. It stopped as it was already night. He had already set up traps that could kill but he couldn't care less who died. As long if his two cards are okay. He tied the little hatake to the tree tightly as he made himself confortable.

He looked at the sleeping figure infront of him. She would be a very intresting speciment for his upcoming experiments he was going to put her through. Just thinking about the screams she will make excited him. He smirked as he made the bon fire.

A few hours later, Rina's eyes began to flutter. She was waking up.

((Anko's P.O.V))

I ate my last stick of dangos as another bloodcurling scream from the forest behind me ran through my ears. I smiled as I threw the dango stick into a nearby tree trunk.

"There! A nice konoha symbol!" I smirked.

" Captain Anko! Theres something here you might want to see!" One of the guards panicked as he ran to me.

"Hmm what is it?" I asked, following him.

He seemed pretty shaken. Wonder what got into him...


Sooo...Im just here to tell you that Ill be posting 2 chapters together because i wanted to say sorry for the wait and thanks for surporting me. Ja ne~

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