New hokage?

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((Recap, third person P. O. V))

Orochimaru wasted no time and made the snake launch towards them at great speed.

((Story starts here))

Jiraiya showed no sign of hesitation even in his weaken state because of the drug and encountered the beast with his jutsu. He did hand signs and spit a Brown murky substance that acted as quicksand that trapped the snake rather quickly and firmly. Orochimaru let a growl of annoyance as jiraiya jumped onto the snake to defeat orochimaru.

On the other hand, kabuto battled shizune but it wasn't long before she retired with a twisted ankle. Naruto couldn't take it and started attacking him head on. Naruto then made a rasengan and charged at shinobi. Tsunade's eyes widened as he hit kabuto in the stomach while at the same time getting hit.

Kabuto was sent spinning many feet away from naruto before hitting a boulder and panting in pain. Naruto collapsed as tsunade rushed to his side.

"Looks like I..... won... the... b--" he passed out.

Tsunade then tried to save him while kabuto gave an explanation about how he injured naruto and how it was too late. Refusing to listen to him, she started healing him as much as she could.

The battle between the two ex teammates didn't last very long either as orochimaru deemed that naruto was too dangerous and should be killed. He launched at naruto as a sword came out of his mouth. He was about to stab the young kid when Tsunade blocked him, getting the hit.

"You were the only person I didn't want to kill. Tsunade. " orochimaru said. "Why would you protect him"

"Because... " she started still shaking. " I am the fifth hokage! " She declared as she stopped trembling and delivered a powerful punch straight to his face.

She stood up proudly as the curse seal on her forehead began to unseat itself.

The trio didn't hesitate and summoned their summoning animals. Jiraiya on gamabunta, a large toad. Orochimaru on manda, the large snake. And tsunade on katsuyu, the large slug.

A long battle was in commence and ended with orochimaru fleeing with kabuto.

"The fifth hokage huh? "Jiraiya chuckled as he heaved naruto up and slung him over his shoulder.

"To think that brat can master rasengan in a week. " she mumbled.

"Your just really bad at betting. Aren't you tsuna" the other Sannin chuckled once again.

"I guess so" she admitted.

They then made their way to the hot springs to relax before heading back to the village.


((Third person P. O. V))

The crowd cheered and roared with happiness as the fifth hokage and jiraiya walked to the village centre accompanied by a excited naruto.

A sigh of relieve escaped tsunade's lips as she went to get some fresh air.
She had just finished all the documents and paperwork for the application of the hokage a few minutes ago.

Her short lasted silence was interrupted by none other than naruto nagging her to go to the hospital to cure sasuke and the others who needed medical assistance badly.
She shut the boy up with a glare and went to the hospital.

"To think you would be beaten down by them. Kakashi." She stated as kakadhi sat up.

"My apology lady tsunade. I was careless." He replied not making eye contact with her.  His white hair shading his eyes as he bent down.

Hearing naruto's whining for her to see sasuke she followed without another word.  Her hand grew a light shade of green as she healed sasuke. Sakura was so overjoyed that she enveloped sasuke in a bone crushing hug. But sasuke didn't say a word.  Nor try to push her off.  Instead he seemed deep in thought and looked in a daze.

" come on.  The next one is Lee." Naruto muttered softly as he looked at sakura sadly.

Naruti waited outside as she went to check on Lee with gai at her side.

"You should quit being a ninja" tsunade shouted loudly as gai tried to protest against it. "You should know better.  He is your student" she continues making naruto's eye widen.
"The possibility of surviving this kind of bone fracture surgery is less then 50percent.  Maybe even... 20percent at most that it would suceed" she said loudly before leaving without another word.

Naruto sighed and walked away, not even bothering to visit Lee.  He made his way to sasuke's room. Sakura was peeling and cutting up apples for the uchiha when he entered.

"Do you want some apples, sasuke-kun? " she asked in her normal high pitch voice while handing sasuke the plate

His face darkened and swiped the plate out of her hands resulting in the shattered glass from the bowl mixed with bits of crushed ripe apples splattered on the floor.

Sakura was shocked and muttered sasuke's name softly while naruto shouted at him only to be cut off by sasuke himself.

"I want to fight you too"

Naruto looked shocked at this statement but the shocked look was soon wiped out with a smirk.

"Great timing.  I was just itching to fight you. " he replied.

The two genin went to the rooftop ignoring their teammate's plead for them to stop this nonsense. The pink haired girl could do nothing but watch in horror as her two teammates fought violently at the rooftop.

Right when sasuke had fired up his chidori with naruto with his rasengan.  They were already charging at each other.  Sasuke from the air and naruto from the ground. 

"STOP PLEASE! "Sakura screamed and ran between them.

((Sasuke's P. O. V))

SHIT I can't stop! Sakura! I thought.

((Naruto's P. O. V))

SAKURA! I CAN'T STOP! DAMN IT! I thought as I found sasuke in the same situation.

((Third person P. O. V))

Out of nowhere, A flash of grey was seen. Kakadhi grabbed naruto's and sasuke's wrists and flung them to the two water tanks that stood nearby.

"Sakura it's okay now" he soothe as he glared at the two boys.

Sasule pulled his arm out forcefully from the metal successfully freeing himself.  He looked pleased  at the big hole he made as water splashed out with force. He stole a glance at naruto and smirks as his eyes caught sight of the small hole naruto had made with his rasengan.

He soon caught a taste of reality when he heard what sounded like a waterfall that only lasted for a second. Sasuke jumped across the fence wide eyed as it turns out naruto's rasengan created a humongous hole at the back.

Grimacing. He punched the wall frustrated and left. Kakashi exchanged a few words with jiraiya who appeared to be leaning on the railings before leaving to lecture sasuke.


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I don't own naruto.... although I wish I did...

Minato and kushina: YOU DONT! WE DO!

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