Introduction of charactere.

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Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction short story. My intention is not to hurt anyone and do not compare these characters with Avneil of Naamkarann because every person's story is different and their story is different from theirs, their situation is different, their circumstances are different, the incidents are different. Hopefully, you understand.
Thank you.

So, let's move to the story.

Avni Mehta: A beautiful, stunning girl who lives on her terms and conditions

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Avni Mehta: A beautiful, stunning girl who lives on her terms and conditions. Not so close to her family. A completely spoiled brat. She goes to clubs, night parties, spend most of the time with her friends who are spoiled like her. Where she goes, when she comes back no one cares about that nor even asked her about that. She drank alcohol and a drug addict. Why she is like this, there is a story behind that.

 Why she is like this, there is a story behind that

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Neil Khanna: A handsome and dashing businessman. He is heartless and arrogant person, only thinking about the profit of his business and family. He does not want to tie in the knot of the marriage and his family wants to see him settle in his life so he engulfed him in work to avoid that topic. Something drastic happened in his life which makes him heartless.

Mehta family:

Neela Mehta: Mother of Avni Mehta and she is a fashion designer and spends her days in her office and night in kitty parties

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Neela Mehta: Mother of Avni Mehta and she is a fashion designer and spends her days in her office and night in kitty parties. She believes in the theory of I, me, myself. She doesn't care about her children. For her, status is everything.

Ashish Mehta: Avni's father and a businessman

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Ashish Mehta: Avni's father and a businessman. He spends most of the time on business tours and business colleagues. Where he goes, what he does, no one knows about it and neither cares about it. He fills their accounts and they are happy with that. No one cares how he gets the deals and how is his life going. They have some knowledge but no one asks him neither he asks them.

Aman Mehta: Avni's brother and both don't know anything about each other except the name

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Aman Mehta: Avni's brother and both don't know anything about each other except the name. He is busy in his life and with friends.

Khanna family:

Harleen Khanna: Neil's grandmother, loves him

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Harleen Khanna: Neil's grandmother, loves him. A positive and strong lady. She is the head of the family and takes a stand for the right. She lives on her terms and condition.

 She lives on her terms and condition

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Prakash Khanna: Neil's father. He is a businessman but also a family man. He loves his family and friend of Neil. A positive person, not greedy of money.

 A positive person, not greedy of money

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Shweta Khanna: Neil's mother. She is a psychologist and understands her son. She is positive and wants to see Neil in his life because she is worried that if he lives alone then one day, he will destroy his life and will become alone the whole life. So her life's mission is Neil's marriage.

So, here is a short introduction of the characters. I hope you like it.

Now let's see will Shweta make Neil agree to the marriage. Will, he gets a good life partner who will change him? Will Avni come to the right path? What will happen when these two heartless people will meet? Will they find out the reason behind their arrogance? What do you think about why they are like this?

So many questions and answers will reveal as the story will progress.

Thank you.

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