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Chapter 06:

At the time of the day, a car was moving to its destination. Neil was silently driving the car and Avni was sitting beside him she takes out the phone from her bag and got to know that her accounts are revealed now. She gets happy and thought to do some online shopping. Neil saw she is busy on her phone. He thoughts and smirked.

Neil speeds up the car to scare her but does not affect Avni. Neil again increased the speed this time Avni looked up but was normal she again looked at her phone. Neil frowns and gets irritated. Neil increased the speed and drives roughly. Avni jolts and looks at Neil angrily. Neil smirked to see her.
Avni keeps the phone in the bag and Neil turns the steering wheel. Avni kept her foot on the front to balance herself and leans to the seat and closed her eyes. Neil frustration has no limits and he drives more roughly and stopped it with a jolt. He turns to Avni who was peacefully resting. Avni opens her eyes and stretched her body.

Avni: aah! We reached.

Neil was stunned to see her. Avni was shocked to see the place. It was Mehta house. Avni turns to Neil.

Neil: mom asked to visit Mehta house before going home.

Avni did not say anything and came out of the car and went inside. No one was there and it was not a surprise for Avni she goes to her room. Neil comes inside and feels weird to see the home. His family is also four, five people but sometimes it echoes with the shouting and laughter but here no one was at home. Neil goes to sit on the couch. Madhvi asked him what he wants and he asked for water. Neil drinks water then he scrolls down his phone. Someone throws the keys near him on the table. Neil flinched he looked at the table then the person. It was Avni, she dressed in black pants and a jacket which was zipped up.

 It was Avni, she dressed in black pants and a jacket which was zipped up

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Neil looks at her then he looks at the keys.

Avni: want a race?

Neil looks at her he smirks and picks the keys. Neil gets up and comes to her.

Neil: you think you will win from me?

Avni: no.

Neil smiles.

Avni: I am sure, I will win.

Neil's smile faded.

Neil: what will the winner get?

Avni: if you win you will get what you say and if I win then... leave it, you can't afford me.

Avni smirks.

Neil: you don't want anything because you know you will lose.

Avni: who will win and who will lose time will tell this.

Neil: and it will be me.

Avni: we will see.

Neil: we will see.

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