Hide and Seek of Avneil

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Chapter 02:

The sun rises and birds were hovering over the Khanna mansion. Neil comes to the dining area by talking on the phone like always.

Neil: ok send me the mail I will change that.

Neil cuts the call and sees Shweta is not there. Neil looks at Bebe who was buttering the bread.

Bebe: she is still in her room Bheema made breakfast.

Neil thinks and goes. Neil knocks on the door.

Neil: Mom, mom, open the door.

No response. Shweta was sitting on the bed.

Neil: Mom, stop behaving like a kid.

No response.

Neil: Mom if you do not open the door I will change my decision.

Shweta looks at the door and gets up but she recalls something and thinks. She is a psychologist, no one can play with her mind. No one can manipulate her. Shweta sits.

Shweta: what do you mean?

Neil: I am ready to meet that girl.

Shweta gets happy.

Shweta: Are you serious?

Neil: yes Mom, now please come and have something.

Shweta gets up and goes to open the door she hugs Neil.

Shweta: I knew it. Thank you.

Neil smiles. Shweta cups his face.

Neil in mind: I will never accept that girl. I will make her life hell that she will back off before the marriage.

Shweta was looking at him.

Shweta: Neil...

Neil looks at her and smiles.

Neil: Mom, you are a psychologist, no one can hoodwink you.

Shweta smiles.

Shweta: come.

They go and Bebe smiles to see them. Shweta serves Neil and they happily have breakfast. Shweta looks at Neil.

Shweta in mind: I am your mom, Tillu. I know you very well. I knew you will try to torture that girl and that's why I choose Avni because I saw a fire in her eyes. She is not from those who run away. She is lonely. I saw loneliness in her eyes. Her smile was so lost. She was pretending to be happy but she is in pain.

Shweta looks at Neil.

Sheets thinks: Like an iron cut the iron her pain will heal your pain. I am sure, she is the perfect match for you.

Shweta smiles.

Shweta's intuition was right but she does not know that what is Avni's lifestyle.

Neil went to the office and starts his day. On the other side, Avni was still sleeping on the centre of the bed on her stomach in the same dress which she was wearing last night. Her sleep was disturbed because of the phone call. She was finding her phone by touching the bed and her eyes were still closed. She keeps the phone at her ear and instantly keeps that away because it was ringing. Avni received it with closed eyes.

Avni said, Hello in a sleepy tone.

Neela maa was on the other side.

Nm: Hello, baby.

Avni: who?

Nm: your mother, baby you are still sleeping.

Avni: oh Hi Mrs Mehta.

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