Tough time

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Chapter 22:

It was the time of the night, Avneil fall on the bed. Neil was on Avni. Avni opened her eyes they were panting. Neil looked at Avni and they lost into the eyes of each other.

Neil: now where will you go? Now say, what were you saying?

Neil keeps the hair strand behind Avni's ear and cupped her face with one hand. Neil caresses her cheek and Avni closed her eyes. He leans to her and kissed her forehead. Neil drags his lips to Avni's nose and kissed her there. Neil looked at Avni's lips and saw her closed eyes. Neil leans to kiss Avni he was about to kiss her but they heard the knock on the door. Neil squeezed his eyes. Avni smiled to see him. Neil moves aside and gets up. He goes to the door by setting his shirt. Neil opened the door and saw his family.

Prakash: why are you disturbing them?

Neil looked at them.

Neil: what happened?

Avni comes to them.

Bebe: she heard the screaming and awake us.

Neil looked at Avni who was trying to hide her smile but facing difficulty in hiding that. Avni keeps her fist on her mouth.

Shweta: did you hear that? We saw outside also but everything is fine. The security guard said it came from your room.

Neil: n, no mom, why will we scream? We also did not hear any sound. In fact, we were watching a movie. Right Avni?

Avni nods while trying to hide her smile.

Bebe: what happened to her? Why is she smiling?

Avni shook her head.

Shweta: what happened to you? Why are you not saying anything?

Avni couldn't control herself anymore and laughed out. Neil gives her a deadly look but she did not see that. Others were confused. They smile by seeing Avni.

Shweta: what happened?

Avni said while laughing.

Avni: Mummy Ji.

Neil: Avni, Avni, no.

Avni was laughing she signs no with her finger.

Avni: mummy Ji. Neil. (Laughs) Neil, Neil is scared of ghosts.

Avni laughed. All looked at Neil who was awkwardly looking at them. Avni goes to Shweta while laughing. She holds her shoulders and keeps her head on Shweta's shoulder. Avni looked at Neil and was laughing.

Avni: he, he screamed because of fear.

All laughed.

Neil: what is this?

Bebe: look at your size, Neil. You are scared of ghosts.

Neil: so what anyone can get scared of anything. What is a big thing in it? Everyone is afraid of something.

Shweta: that's true but in your case the list is big.

Avni was panting.

Avni: mea, means?

Neil: mom, mom, no.

Avni: please tell me.

Shweta: Neil is also scared of rats and flying cockroaches.

Avni: what?

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: so anyone gets scared. They spread diseases and cockroaches, they were flying in my room and were so big.

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