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Chapter 07:

The sun rises and the birds were flying in the sky. It was a pleasant morning of the winter that comes with new hope, new opportunity and a new beginning but for some people, it takes a tough time and Avni is one of them.

Avni was sleeping on the floor in the closet someone poured the water on her she gets up with a jerk and was shocked she keeps away the hair from her face and looks up. Neil was standing by holding a jug he looked at her.

Neil: get up. You are not on vacation. Come to the living area in ten minutes.

Avni was looking at him. Neil goes. Avni came downstairs after thirty minutes and was shocked to see the views. The table was filled with bottles of alcohol. Neil was filling the bucket with that. Neil rolled the bottle on the floor and it rolled to the other empty bottles which were laying on the floor. Neil picks another bottle from the table and poured it into the bucket.

Avni: what the hell?

Neil looks at her and smirks.

Neil: good morning, wifey.

Avni comes to him she snatched the bottle from him. Neil gets up. Avni saw the bottle is empty. Neil chuckles.

Neil: tch, tch, tch, tch.

Avni throws the bottle and it breaks into pieces. Avni picks the bottle but Neil snatched that. Avni looks at him.

Avni: give me, my bottle.

Avni tried to snatch. Neil keeps his arm away and keeps the finger on his lips.

Neil: sssshhhh.

Neil was dangerously looking at her. Avni was looking into his eyes.

Neil: you did very wrong last night so you should bear the consequences.

Avni was looking at him. Neil turns the table and all bottles fall on the floor and break. Avni closes her eyes and keeps her hands on her ear. Avni opens her eyes and saw the bottles then she looks at Neil. Avni gets angry.

Avni: how dare you? Do you have an idea how expensive these bottles are?

Neil: oops. Got hurt, ouch.

Avni looks at him dangerously. Neil goes behind the couch and picks a bottle and shows that to Avni. Neil smiles. Neil comes to her while saying.

Neil: your life is in my hands now.

Neil stops near Avni.

Neil: if you want it then you should follow my orders.

Avni: in your dreams. I will buy more bottles you can't stop me.

Neil: trust me, I can.

Avni was looking at Neil.

Neil: oops, I forgot to tell you that you can not go out of this house without my wish.

Avni: and you think, I will listen to you. Never

Neil raises his eyebrows. Avni goes to get her bag from the room and comes. Avni goes to the door and Neil was looking at her. As soon as, Avni holds the door handle to open the door she got an electric shock. Neil chuckles. Avni was looking at her hand. She turns to Neil and looks at him with disbelief.

Neil: I told you.

Neil shows her the remote.

Neil: This whole house is electric if you try to go out without my wish then this will happen.

Neil picks the bottles from the couch and comes to her.

Neil: now be a good girl and listen to me. If you want this bottle then you have to follow my orders.

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