Avni's state

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Chapter 14:

It was a stormy night for Khanna mansion. There was silence inside and outside the Khanna mansion but the storm was in the hearts of the people present in the mansion.

Everyone was standing in the dining area.

Shweta: since morning, I had a headache and Avni knew that so came to check me in the kitchen when she saw my condition she asked me to take the rest she will handle and she cooked the rest of the food. If you want to shout then shout at me, I cooked it and because of headache by mistake, I added the ingredients two times in it. Avni is innocent. She...

Shweta turned her face to Avni but was shocked to see there. Neil frowns and turns his face and got a shock. Avni was not there. Neil looks around and heard the sound of the car.

Shweta: Avni.

Neil shouts Avni.

Shweta also shouts Avni's name she was scared that what if Avni will take some wrong step in anger. Neil runs outside, Shweta goes after him. Neil saw Avni's car is not there. Neil runs to the main door to see to which side Avni has gone. Neil comes back to his car and gets in it hurriedly. Neil goes. Shweta prays for Avni.

Neil was trying to see Avni's car in the traffic. He does not know where she has gone. Her phone was also not with her. Neil runs the hand in his hair. Neil stopped on the signal he hits his hand on the steering wheel in anger.

On the other side, the Khanna and Mehta family was sitting in the living area. Neela maa was sitting by bowing her head.

Shweta: I don't have any right to say anything to you but I want to ask you a question how can a mother say those toxic words to her daughter? You were so harsh towards her.

Neela maa cries.

Nm: I never thought that I am demotivating her. I never saw those things from that perspective. I did not feel my words are so harsh to her.

Shweta gets angry.

Shweta: harsh? you wounded her heart badly by your words.

Neela maa cries.

Bebe: Shweta!

Bebe signs relax. Shweta looked away in anger. She grabbed her phone and goes.

Neil was on the way, his phone rings. Neil stopped the car at the side and picked the call.

Neil: yes mom.

Shweta: Avni? Did you get her?

Neil: no mom, I am going to the night club she always go that club only. Maybe, I get her there.

Shweta: ok. But keep my one thing in your mind if something happened to her then I will never forgive you. Never. Got it.

Neil was shocked. Shweta cuts the call. Neil saw the call had cut he thinks.

On the other side, a nightclub was shaking because of loud music. People were lost in their world. A girl was sitting near the counter and having a shot on the shot. It was Avni. She recalls all the incidents since her childhood and what Neil said to her.


1. Neil: you know about Bebe's BP problem still you did that. How can you believe this boozer?

Avni gulped the shot and signed for the second.

2. Neil: I am warning you, stay away from my family else it will not be good for you.

Avni gulped.

3. Nm: Avni, I did not expect this from you. How can you be so careless? I feel ashamed of calling you, my daughter.

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