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Chapter 12:

In the penthouse, Avni was half laying on the bed by keeping the cushion on her lap and Neil entered the room. Avni looked up from the phone.

Neil: ab, mom called she called us home.

Avni's face light up she sits.

Avni: really!

Neil was surprised to see her excitement.

Neil: yaa, you are getting excited like kids. She called us what's the big deal in it.

Avni in the mind: for you, it is not but for me, it is everything.

Avni smiled.

Neil: ok, so get ready fast. Bebe asked us to stay there tonight they invite your parents for dinner tomorrow.

Avni's smile faded.

Neil: what happened?

Avni looks down and shakes her head.

Avni: nothing.

Neil: see, Bebe came back from London so please wear something decent.

Avni: ok.

Neil nods. Avni gets up and goes to the closet. Avni stops there and thinks.

Avni: why they are coming? I wish they will not come. I don't want to get spoil my moment with mummy Ji and now Bebe has also come back. What was the need to invite them? This mummy Ji.

Avni opened the closet and choose the dress.

A car stopped outside the Khanna mansion, Shweta and Bebe welcomes Avneil and they entered. Avni sits with Shweta and encircled her arms in her arm and kept her head on Shweta's shoulder. Shweta kisses her forehead. Neil smiles. Bebe was also happy to see the changes in Avni. Prakash comes home. Avni and Neil meet him.

Prakash: How is my daughter?

Avni: super cool and now super happy.

They smile.

Neil: Wow, you got daughter-in-law now you forgot me. First mom was showering her love on her now you all make her sit on your head. I don't have value in this house.

They smile.

Avni smells.

Avni: something is burning.

Shweta smells.

Shweta: my dish.

She gets up.

Avni: no, no mummy ji. Something is burning here.

Avni looks at Neil. All understand.

Neil: you mean, I am burning, I am jealous of you?

Avni: when I said that? Did I take your name? Mummy ji, Papa?

They shook their head.

Avni: see. Don't know why you always give you the importance and think that everyone talks about you.

Neil: you.

Neil comes to her she runs to Shweta.

Avni: mummy ji, help.

Shweta: Neil!

Neil: mom, not fair. And you, I will see you at home. Just go there.

Avni: see mummy ji, he is threatening me in front of you.

Shweta: don't worry if he does something, just call me I will see him.

Avni: done.

Avni hugs Shweta from behind and kisses her cheek. Shweta also kisses her. All smiles.

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