Broken soul

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Chapter 15:

It was the time of the morning, the roads were floating with vehicles. A car was moving to its destination. Avni was driving it she recalls everything that happened last night. Avni wipes her tears she sighs. Avni's phone rings she saw Shweta's number. Avni thinks.


Avni was sleeping on the couch she stirs and opened her eyes. Avni looked around and realised she is at Khanna mansion. Avni thinks. She heard Shweta's voice.

Shweta: Bheema, I am going to check Tillu is awake or not. You make lemon juice for Avni.

Bheema nods and Shweta goes. Avni thinks. She heard the steps and sat. Avni turned her face. She thinks.

Avni: Now everyone knows about my past. Now they will also think, I am weak. I am good for nothing. I can't achieve anything.

Avni wipes her face.

Avni: nnno, no, I can't lose them. No.

Avni catches her hair and her eyes fill with tears. Avni bits her finger she was not able to think anything, was not able to see anyway. Avni saw her phone on the table it was there since last night. She grabbed it and gets up she goes out. Neil was coming from the corridor.

Flashback ends.

Avni wiped her tears and again her phone rings. On the other side, Shweta cuts the call.

Shweta: she is not picking my calls. Avni never did that.

Bebe: relax, Neil has gone to find her.

Shweta: where will he find her? Last night, she went to the nightclub because she was disturbed but now it is the daytime, don't know where she has gone?

Bebe: relax, everything will be fine.

Shweta was worried for Avni.

On the other side, Neil was standing with Ali in the cafe.

Ali: Avni was here. She called an hour ago and asked for her car. I told her it is her then she came, took her car and went. Why? Did something happen? She looks disturbed since last night.

Neil rubs his forehead.

Neil: You should stop her here.

Ali: why? What happened? How could I know that you will come here to find he?. If you make a call to me, I will not let her go.

Neil: Yeah, I should call you.

Ali: But what has happened? Avni was also in hurry. I asked her for breakfast but she was in hurry. She only asked me for the car. She looked puzzled.

Neil looked at her. Neil thinks.

Neil: did she say where she is going?

Ali: no.

Neil: tch.

Ali: why are you not tracing her location?

Neil looked at him. Neil takes out his phone and luckily he got her location. Ali was looking at Neil's phone.

Neil: XYZ road means she is going to our penthouse.

Ali looked at him. Neil keeps the phone in the picket and keeps the hand on Ali's shoulder and said "thanks buddy" in hurry. Neil fastly goes from there. Ali was looking at him.

Neil gets in the car and starts it. Neil was fastly driving his car.

On the other side, Avni was sitting on the bed in the room. Avni was thinking about her life.

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