Tough situation

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Chapter 24

It was the time of the night, Avni and Neil were sitting with the family and were enjoying their family time. Avni turns her face and her smile faded to see Mehta family. The whole Khanna family was surprised to see them. Neil looked at Avni. All get up except Avni who was in shock but she was more surprised to see Aman.

The Mehta family comes to them and they were hesitating. Ashish and Neela maa looked at each other. Neela maa smiled she was hesitating.

Nm: Ab, hi, hope we did not disturb you.

Shweta smiled. Avni gets up.

Avni: of course, you did.

Neela maa gets hurt.

Aman: Di.

Avni looked at him. The first time, she heard him calling her di. She did not remember that he called her Di before or they spend time with each other. She used to play with him when he was a newborn baby but because of Neela maa's ignorance, her continuously asking Avni to not touch Aman and stay away from him, Avni maintained a distance from Aman.

Aman comes to Avni and hugs her. Avni was surprised it calms her anger and increased her heartbeat. Avni's eyes filled with tears she hugs him. Aman was also crying.

Aman: How badly I wanted to meet you.

Avni remains silent. Aman breaks the hug.

Aman: I know, you must be shocked to see me. Well, you should be because we never spend time with each other. We even don't know anything about each other except the names. We never tried to interact because we both were fighting with the situation. I know, I should try to communicate with you but...

Aman was crying. Avni slowly cupped his face.

Avni: No, I was the elder one, I should try to handle you. I got so lost in my life that I forgot every other thing. I should think if I am in pain then my brother must also be facing the same thing. I am sorry, I did not fulfil my duties as a sister. I neglect you please forgive me.

Aman: no, I should come to you. You were elder I should contact you. If I was bad in my studies I should ask you for help maybe we both would become strengths of each other.

Avni: ok, now leave this topic. I am happy that I got my brother, my Aman back.

Avni hugs him. Neela maa wiped her tears and smiled that at least everything is sorted between her children. All get emotional. Avni looked at Neela maa and Ashish.

Nm: can we talk to you?

Avni looked at her.

Nm: We won't take much of your time.

Avni looked at her. She was about to say but Neil holds her wrist and nods yes. Avni shook her head. Neil nods yes. Avni looked at him she looks down.

All were sitting in the living area. The Mehta family was sitting opposite Avni. Neil and Shweta were sitting beside Avni, Neil was sitting by holding Avni's hand. Avni looked at Neela maa who was looking down.

Nm: I know what I did, is unforgivable. I failed as a mother.

Avni tightens the grip on Neil's hand. Neil looked at Avni. She also holds Shweta's hand. Shweta keeps her second hand on her hand.

Nm: But I want to tell you my story, I know it won't make any difference. I did wrong but still wants to tell you. When I came to Mehta house as a bride, I had many dreams that I will do that, will do this. I will go on trips with my husband but my all dreams shattered just in a few days because Ashish was a workaholic person. I felt alone, bored and was going into depression because of loneliness. I am not blaming him. Doing work is not bad but avoiding a person because of that is absolutely wrong. But he was also not at fault he had faced a hard time in his life that made him like that. When my friend saw my condition she suggested I join their club. I was already feeling like killing myself so I agreed to her and went with her and slowly, slowly I got habitual of it or I say addicted to it that I forget every other thing. Then you came into our life but I was completely lost in that shining world that was darkness in real and I did not put attention to you. Your nanny took care of you and then I did the same with Aman.

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