One more wound

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Chapter 09:

In the daytime, birds were chirping by sitting on the tree which was outside the penthouse. In the penthouse, two angry birds were standing in the room. One was shocked and the other one was guilty.

Avni was looking at Neil shockingly. When Neil realised that he thought to clear that or I say to satisfy his inner soul that he is just correcting his mistake.

Neil: Listen, you are injured because of me so I thought to help you else I am not interested in healing your pain.

Avni: thank you very much but I don't need your help it will heal itself.

Avni turns to go and but Neil holds her arm and takes her to the bathroom. Avni tried to go but Neil holds her arm and takes her back he closed the door. Neil goes to take the first aid box from the cabinet.

Avni: you can't force me like this.

Neil comes and keeps the box on the stool and doing his work and Avni was saying.

Avni: always you can't impose your decisions on me. It is my wish I want to cure or not. Got it.

Avni turns to go but Neil holds her arm and Avni jerks her arm.

Avni: I am warning you, don't touch me.

Avni turns to go and Neil catches her in his arms from behind. Avni was struggling to come out of his grip.

Avni: leave me.

Neil: standstill.

Avni was continuously trying to come out of Neil's grip. Neil pulls down the zip of her dress. Avni was shocked she closed her eyes when Neil's hand touched her back. Neil cleans the wound and Avni winced she came back to reality and starts trying again.

Neil: stay calm.

Avni; why do you care I am in pain or not.

Neil: I don't care about you even I don't care you live or die.

Avni gets hurt by his words.

Avni: then leave me.

Avni was moving.

Neil: I also don't want to make my hands dirty by touching you but it happened because of me so I am just correcting my mistake.

Avni was hurt he said that before already but this time it hurts her deeply because he saved her, he showed concern for her and he scold her for her betterment but again he hurt her.

Neil cleaned the wound and did a bandage.

Neil: don't think that I am interested in you and want to get close to you. I am not interested in seeing you. I don't give a damn to the girls like you; I did this because it happened because of me.

Avni was listening to him. Neil pulled up the zip and pushed her she collides with the sink. Her head hits the tab. Neil goes without looking at her. Avni opened her eyes and holds her forehead. She looks herself in the mirror and saw the new mark on her head. Avni was looking at herself and recalls Neil's words.

"I also don't want to make my hands dirty by touching you but it happened because of me so I am just correcting my mistake."

"don't think that I am interested in you and want to get close to you. I am not interested in seeing you. I don't give a damn to the girls like you."

Avni: Girls like me? Who am I?

Avni looks at herself in the mirror and her vision gets blurred because of tears.

Avni wipes her tears and goes to stand under the shower and on it, she takes shower with cold water. Avni was standing blankly and a thousand thoughts were in her mind.

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