Neil's past and confession

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Chapter 18:

It was the time of the night, a car was moving to its destination. Neil was driving it and Avni was sitting in it she turns her face to Neil who was looking serious. Avni turns her face to the window.

Soon, they reached their destination. Avni and Neil came out and moves forward and stopped. They were looking at the penthouse. Neil was fighting with his memories and Avni was puzzled that why Neil took her here many questions were in her mind like Will Neil again torture her? Will he not let her go to Khanna mansion again and many more. She was not frightened by Neil but was scared of losing her family. They looked at each other. Neil holds Avni's hand she looked at the hands then at Neil.

Neil: come.

Neil took her inside then to the room. Neil made Avni sit on the bed and go to the closet. Avni's gaze was following him she turned her face and thought. Neil came with a picture album and sat. Neil fumes and looks at the frame. Neil was feeling awkward that he is going to tell his love story to his wife.

Neil opened it and the first photo was of Sneha. Avni looked at Neil who was looking at the picture. Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: you saw her picture already. She is Sneha. My love.

Avni felt a pinch in her heart and she did not understand why she felt that.

Neil: my first love.

Neil turned the photo and they saw Sneha and Neil's picture. Avni looked down.

Neil: I met her five years ago I was going to my college. She was standing at the roadside near a car. I went to her and asked her the problem. She said, her car got punctured and she is getting late for college. When I asked her about her college then I was surprised to hear her answer because it was my college. She was transferred there from another branch. I offered her a lift and she accepted that and since that day we become friends. It was my final year and she was in her third year so I helped her in her studies and slowly I started to feel for her and soon I realised that I love her.

Neil looked at Avni who was looking at him. Avni looked down. Neil felt awkward.

Neil: I proposed to her at our farewell party and she accepted that. We were very happy. After her graduation, we got engaged everything was going good we were happy with each other but one day.

Neil cries. Avni keeps the hand on his shoulder. Neil tried to control his emotions. He squeezed his nose.

Neil: one day, when I went to her home then.

Neil thinks, Avni was looking at him.


Neil stopped at the door he rang the bell and a maid opened the door.

Neil: Sneha?

Maid: She is in her room and sir and madam are out of town.

Neil: yaa, I know.

Neil smiles and goes. He knocked on the door but no answer then Neil heard some sounds and frowns. Neil opened the door and was shocked to see the view in front of his eyes. The flowers fall from his hands.

Neil: Sneha!

Neil ran to her and Sneha was breathing heavily. She was having a problem. Neil sits and caresses her hair.

Sneha: Ne, Ne, Neil.

Neil: yaa.

Sneha was unable to talk. Neil was scared and puzzled.

An ambulance was moving fast to reach the hospital. Sneha was taken on the stretcher. Neil was walking with it by holding her hand. They took her inside and Neil caught his head. He sat on the bench and cried.

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