Happy moments

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Chapter 17:

The sun had risen. It was a good morning for the Khanna family, especially for Avni.

It was Sunday, the Khanna family decided to make it a fun day. The whole family was sitting in the living area.

Shweta: today, we will do a lot of fun. Everything is decided. First, we will play badminton. Ladies versus gents.

Bebe: Woah.

Avni and Neil smiled.

Shweta: yes, then we will make lunch together.

Avni's smile faded she recalled how she burnt her certificate and what Neil told her that she is a boozer, she wants to kill Bebe and other things.

Neil was smiling he looked at Avni and saw she is sweating. Avni gulps.

Shweta: then...

Neil: mom.

Shweta looked at him.

Neil: please this cooking and all is not my cup of tea so please make me away from it.

Neil signed at Avni. Shweta saw Avni is wiping her sweat. She nods.

Shweta: ab, aa. ok, I will cook you all just stay here.

Neil nods and looks at Avni.

Shweta: and listen more. Then we will play a truth and dare game and at the end, we will have our dinner at the lawn.

Avni: bu, but it will be cold outside at the night.

Bebe: we will ignite the fire it will be fun.

Avni nods by looking down she clenched her dress. Neil saw that.

Neil: ok, so I am going to bring rackets. Avni.

Neil signs come. Avni nods. They went to the storeroom. Neil switched on the light and they go. Avni coughs.

Neil: you ok?

Avni coughs and said yes. Avni stumbles she was about to fall but Neil holds her upper arms. Avni looked at him their eye lock. Avni looked down and stands. Neil left her.

Neil: are you ok?

Avni nods and keeps the hair strand behind her ear.

Neil: ok.

Neil looks for the bag. He saw it and picked the bag and they comes out of the storeroom. Neil sits and opened the bag. He takes out the rackets.

Neil: let's go. Wait, let me keep this bag in the storeroom. Keep them.

Neil gives the rackets to Avni then he picked the bag and goes. Avni thinks.

Avni: what happened to him suddenly he has started behaving good. Avni, leave it you will never understand him, he is psycho.

Avni thinks.

All were standing by wearing t-shirt and trousers. Neil comes there and was lost to see Avni she was looking beautiful and smiling. Avni turns her face. Neil smiles she smiles to see him. Neil comes.

Bebe: ok so now let's start the game. I will be the referee. First, Shweta and Prakash will play.

All smiles.

Shweta: yes and I will win.

Prakash: we will see.

Shweta: yes. we will see.

They looked at each other. They played. Avni and Neil were smiling. Shweta won. She celebrated her victory and hugged Avni. Avni was experiencing all that first time she was really happy.

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