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Dear Diary,
Today's date should be marked with golden words in my life history...You know why cause I just got my first break from my last Audition!!!!!!!!!
I was about to leave just in watchman called my name and asked me to come inside.
When I reached the Producer's Office he told me that they're casting me as the second Lead in their movie they're making with newcomers...
Can you imagine!!
This is what I've been waiting for... My survival of weeks in Mumbai isn't wasted.
I'm exhausted today so won't talk much!!
Tomorrow~New Day, New Challenges.

Dear Diary,
So today I gave my look test for this role and I was so excited for facing the camera unless Producer Sir called me in his Vanity.
It was definitely weird but I thought he might be calling me for some patchwork but my thinking took 360 degree turn when noone was there in his vanity except him.
Why did he called me alone in his vanity??? The question continuously was popping in my mind but was unanswered till he opened his mouth.

Welcome Welcome Debattama... You must have recognized me, he asked in friendly voice.

Ofcourse Sir... You're one of the famous Producers in this industry... Who doesn't know you, I replied hesitantly adding a fake smile.

Then you shouldn't worry much about your future...it's very bright I must say.
When I saw your audition it was good but in your look test you were mind-blowing,he smirked.

It's all because of you Sir otherwise I was about to leave Mumbai because of continuous rejections,I told him showing that I'm obliged to him which I was but wasn't sure if he was thinking the same about me.

No No Debattama it's because of this beautiful face god has gifted you... The face which can kill anyone,he told me coming close to me.

I wasn't feeling good with that closeness though and I stepped backwards. But he kept on coming close to me until my back got stopped by the wall behind and there's was no escaping for me.

I got scared and didn't know what's happening but he clarified my doubts with his intentions.

But if you're saying that it's because of me then don't you think you should return this favor to me, he asked trapping my face between his hands and pinning them to the wall.

S-Sir... Yeah I think so, I replied anxiously.

That's good then nothing to mould with jaggery and let's come to the point....I'm into you Debattama,you've taken my heart and I want to be with you,Want to be close with you.....Very Close,he whispered in my ears getting crooked in my neck .

Sir what are you doing...this isn't right,I tried fighting his intentions with my innocence.

What isn't right... Me coming close to you???
I've been waiting for this moment from the day I saw you and that's the reason I selected you for this role so that you stay with me throughout and I can do whatever I want to,he expressed his desires infront of me which were enough to shatter my dreams.
Did he really asked me to sleep with him for my success...for this role??
He's asking me to make a deal out of my talent and my respect!!!
I was standing there numb trying to figure out unless he started kissing me near my ears and holded my waist which annoyed me and I pushed him aback.
Have you lost it...I'm here to become an actress not a prostitute!! I want roles but not this way, I told him holding my emotions which were stuck between tears and strength.
He laughed sarcastically hearing this and holded my shoulder tightly which was breaking my bones already.

Do you really think you can become actress so easily without impressing anyone....without putting in any effort??
Then you're in wrong place Miss.. Cause here everything comes with a price,everything is a deal here!!
People lose their respect for fame and you have to do the same... Understood??

Then you're wrong Sir,I'm not interested in such fame...If I'll do something I'll be on the basis of my talent not my beauty,I responded with fire in my eyes which I don't know from where it came from.

So you're rejecting me... Producer of your film.Fine!!then you're out of this film and not only this I'll make sure that you don't get any other film here Atleast in my friend circle...you've messed with wrong person Miss,he replied shaking my confidence and sending my career in dark.

But you're doing this because of your so called self respect...and I won't let you leave like this, adding this further he started kissing me vigorously.

I tried freeing myself from his hold but the more I tried...More tightier it was getting and I was helpless in that position.
But realizing If I won't stop him here it'll be too late and I punched him hard on his chest making him moaning with pain.
But he pulled me harder holding my hand and I had to use the paperweight to get rid of him.I hitted him with it and ran away without worrying about the consequences.

I know what I did was impulsive but right at my place.I trust my talent than their lust and If I'm not gonna get break in a normal way then I'm ready to leave my passion but not my self respect.
I left my chance of working in a movie and Producer warned me to not let me work with anyone so all the chances of getting my career here...Ughhhhh!!!
Guess I just did wrong by trusting myself or I'm happy doing wrong things too cause if I'd have agreed to sleep with him for my career I'd have never felt proud even if I'll become the best actress cause it came on the cost of my dignity!!!!
Tomorrow~Thinking of leaving Mumbaii...guess this isn't my place and the lesson I've learnt here is just

And this was enough to boost confidence of Karanvir who was reading her diary a night before his match.
The match which was a battlefield of do or die. If he won't perform here he'll lose his chance to get selected in World Cup Team which was going to announce three weeks after this series.
He was definitely nervous but Debattama indirectly gave him the belief,the thought of Trusting himself.
If Debattama can chose trusting herself on sake of her future when she had everything to lose then I have nothing to lose... Why can't I??
I'll play my natural game without worrying about the consequences and won't take pressure,Karanvir said to himself.
Karanvir was literally falling for Debattama Day-by-day by seeing her struggle and experiences.
The girl really has something special in her, she has guts, said Karanvir to Rahul when he came to see why he's still awake.
So you're still into that diary thing...did you even got something you were looking for,he asked curiously.
Not everything...But definitely something...I've got Debattama Rahul!!She's just amazing, her take on things, her confidence,her experiences....
Earlier I was into her different personality but now I'm falling for her everything...her past to her present to her future,Karanvir said smilingly.
You've gone crazy Karan...Rahul said patting his head but now there was no going back.....

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