Chapter 2 : The Fatui Harbingers

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heyy so I took time thinking about it cause my mind is going crazy, btw, if there's any typos or auto corrects I'm sorry about that, Anyways Enjoy!


After You and Scaramouche left the bank, Childe closed his eyes and puts his hands on his chin, Thinking. "Does.. Scaramouche like them?" Childe asking himself.

Childe didn't care much of it since Scaramouche didn't say he likes you.

You were left alone at Scaramouche's office, Nothing to do at all. Just watching the Fatui's train outside. You then heard someone knock on the front door of Scaramouche's office. You looked turned your head around to look at the door watching someone come in.

"Hey Scaramouche-" The familiar voice stopped talking once they saw you. It was Childe.

"Oujo Chan- What are you doing here? I thought you were with your floating companion thing?" Childe asked, walking to you.

You crossed your arms and faced Childe. "It's you.. God I'm glad it wasn't the short guy." You sighed walking to go to the couch and sit. "Is something wrong?" Childe sat next to you. "The short guy locked me in his goddamn office. It's boring in here, I already miss going outside. It's like I'm a prisoner here." Childe sighed and looked at you. "Let's get out of here." Childe stood up and reached his arm to you. You looked up at Childe and held his hand, accepting his offer.

You stood up by Childe pulling you up. He chuckles and gave you a piggy back ride. "Alright, let's go find Xiansheng." As Childe started to run to the entrance of the place to get out of there.

You and Childe saw Zhongli sitting drinking tea. You both thought of the same thing and were going to sneak to the back of him and scare Zhongli.

About to scare Zhongli he then calls both of you. "Childe, Traveler." Childe got startled by Zhongli when he called both of your names. "X-Xiansheng- It's nice to see you again! Haha.." "We were totally not going to scare you." Childe added.

"Alright then." Zhongli Chuckled.

You laughed, while Zhongli looked at you. Seeing you smile makes him smile, He indeed loves seeing you smile. And wants to mostly go on a so called date. He always wants to be with you when he has nothing to do. Even wants to stay with you forever.

Zhongli smiled. "Please, Sit down." As you and Childe heard that he puts you down and you both sat down.

"So, How are you Xiansheng? Finally getting mora?" Zhongli looked at Childe and replied. "I've been fine. Although I haven't got any mora." Childe sighed and looked at Zhongli. "What?! So- Your telling me I'm going to pay for all of the things you ordered here?" Zhongli nodded at Childe's response. Childe scoffed and took out some mora. He then gave the mora to Zhongli. "Thank you, Ajax." While Zhongli called the waiter and gave the mora. You laughed looking at Childe's expression.

Scaramouche was back from confronting people by their dept.

He opens the door and tries to find you in the office. "Traveler? I'm.. back." Scaramouche looked around seeing no sign from you. He inhales and exhales. "Where is that idiot?" He walks out of his office and begins his search finding you.


Hope y'all enjoy that, I'll try to make more very soon, byee

(569 words)

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