Chapter 26 : The Truth? Fine then

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Bro I have 31 homeworks so I don't even have enough time to do these so I'm sorry about that

But yeah I'll focus on my school and I won't be uploading new chapters much sadly

Istg I only got 91 at one of my subjects in class 💀

Don't mind the art btw, I just find it nice

Anyways yeah I hope you guys enjoy this chapter?
(Typos/auto corrects must be ignored)
Tw ;

Spoiler warnings to the soonly published stories
Finally, Childe is with the four of you once again.

As so you remembered, you talked with Kaeya about this. Who or what is the thing about you and this dead person.
Well, Whatever. At least Childe was already with you and the others.

You looked at Childe and leaned to him, slowly grabbing his hands.

Childe looks down at you, having an gentle smile on his face. As it has been a while since you both had talked to eachother.

Though you didn't even notice Kaeya was giving the side eye, looking down at the both of you holding hands.

As so on, Kaeya looked away and was obviously thinking who the dead person was.

Kaeya's Pov.


As for what that is, The Adeptus looked at The Traveler but.. he didn't continue his sentence.

Mr. Zhongli didn't say anything, he knew who the person that died.

As for my realisation, My eyes widened looking at Mr. Zhongli who was right in front of us, walking back to Liyue Harbor with us.

Is it.. The Traveler's brother?

I know I shouldn't be jumping out of conclusions but..

She has always been connected to her brother. It may or may not be possible but they are obviously connected.

It's an 50% chance of it.

You know what, nevermind. I'll think about it later on.

Author's Pov.

As soon as the each of you went back to Liyue Harbor, of course the three of you decided to not make any suspicions and shop for a while.

"Well, we're finally at Liyue.. What are we going to do now?" Paimon looks at you crossing her arms.

"We can go shopping again?" You looked at each of them, as always Childe knew he's going to pay for it.

And as for Kaeya he knew what you meant.

"Childe can give you the money later on, We'll just pick up some stuff for a while." You looked at Childe, as he looks down at you rolling his eyes, sighing.

"Alright then, I'll go visit Director Hu for a while and see if Xiao's there." As Zhongli said that he slowly walks away.

You looked back at Kaeya as you pointed at one of the stores.

"Hey, Hey! What are you guys doing?! Paimon wants to know too!" Paimon huffs with an dissatisfaction on her face.

"We'll explain it once we get there, alright?" You held Kaeya's hand as well as you dragged the two men in the shop, as well as Paimon followed the three of you.

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