Chapter 24 : Who's dead?

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I'm thinking maybe ENDING THIS OR NOT like I'm getting lazy and theres a lot going on at my life rn

And that I basically have to focus on that stupid ass school

But there will be very short updates from now on, and when I'm not lazy of course,

I hate how I will be passing my homework today but yeah enjoy the fanfic

(Typos/auto corrects must be ignored)
The sun was rising.. right in front of each of you.

You sigh not getting enough sleep as you were alarmed something was going to happen at The Shogun's place.

That's what awoke you.

You never dared to say it to the others but surely Zhongli woke Kaeya up so both of them could follow you.

"Were you all waiting for the ship?" Beidou chuckles walking towards each of you. As Kazuha and Thoma was behind her.

You look at the back of you as the others did the same.

"Yeah.. we were. When are we going to go maybe?" You groaned getting tired.

Beidou looked at you surprised, realising you're still tired.

"Actually, we were just about to leave. Come on get in the ship." Beidou holds your waist as she helps you get in the ship. Zhongli and Kaeya looking at eachother the same time.

"Get in Kazuha! We're going." Beidou calls out Kazuha's name as he goes up at the ladder.

Beidou walks near the ladder helping Kazuha get inside the ship. She looks back at Thoma smiling.

"See you Thoma, it was nice seeing you again."

Thoma smiles waving at Beidou.

"I hope we see eachother again, If you ever need to find me I'm at The Kamisato State or just at the tea house."

Beidou nods as an response, she walks away and uses the steering wheel of the ship.

Zhongli and Kaeya goes to an private room, talking for a moment.

You suddenly wonder what they were talking about.

"Is The Shogun an Archon?" Kaeya sits down on the chair, looking towards Zhongli having an wine on his hand, gently spinning it around.

Zhongli sighs, nodding.

"That's quite disappointing.." Kaeya looms down at the wine on his arms, taking tiny sips in it.

"What do you mean by that?" Zhongli was confused, yet an dissatisfaction was on his face.

"What are you guys talking about?" You walk in sitting down at one of the chairs.

The attention then went to you as Zhongli and Kaeya looked at you.

"We're just talking about The Shogun. You know?" Kaeya looks at Zhongli, as Zhongli doesn't respond in any way.

"Uhuh, continue."

As you said that, the room went quiet.

Silence fill in the room as you finally stood up.

"If not then go outside, if there's nothing important to discuss." You opened the door as the two of them stood up and went outside the room.

All of you finally arrived to Liyue as each of you goes down the ship.

only mine , g. men (CURRENTLY REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now