Chapter 21 : Kunikuzushi..

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Okayy, happy lantern rite HAHAHAHAHA

I hope you guys found an lantern rite date

I'm gonna be lonely or maybe not,

Btw who are you guys going to pick from one of the 4 stars? I'll literally pick Xinyan cause I don't have her yet

Sucks to be my cousin he doesn't have yunjin at all HAHAHAHHA

And I'm seriously down bad for zhongli rn I need him, but im too broke for genesis crystals. If only I had 4k with me

Instead I actually bought an Xiao wig HAHAHAHA

And the discord server, I'm still working on it but it's in good terms already

And the discord server, I'm still working on it but it's in good terms already

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Basically it's a xiao themed server, modern type yk

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Basically it's a xiao themed server, modern type yk

My friend helped me so thank you to her heuheudhdydv

Though I know not much people has discord, and much won't even try to join at all but I'm very anxious people won't join HAHAHAHAH 😭

but at the same time here I am crying my ass off

Alright anyways, enjoy the fanfic
(Typos/Auto corrects must be ignored.)
"Ei." Zhongli exclaimed crossing his arms.

"Isn't it the god of contracts, I've heard that you're not the Geo Archon anymore." Ei sighs looking at Zhongli.

"It's been a long run, though I suppose it was time to leave for the better." Zhongli looks at you, nodding.

"Ah, Yes. Traveler, It seems like you came here for an answer about Scaramouche?" Ei walks towards the three of you, crossing her arms.

"Scaramouche, may I know things about him?"

"Of course, Kunikuzushi. His real name. He was taken away by The Fatui's, he was one of my souls. I teared each of my souls by each and destroyed the others, though I felt bad for Kunikuzushi so I did not destroy him. Later then, he was took by the fatui. My soul today till the end will be in my sword." Ei looks at Zhongli, giving a slight smile on her face.

Zhongli looks at Ei as well. Ei looks back at you, as your eyes slightly widens.

"If there's nothing more, I'd like to give you a pouch of mora to go to The Komore Teahouse for sometime. As an Thanks for going here and visiting me." Ei crosses her arms once again, looking at Zhongli.



"Take care on your trips, dear friend."

Zhongli smiles as an response of Thank you to Ei, as all of you immediately left the odd orb around each of you.

As that was finished, you called the others even Beidou and invite them to the Komore Teahouse.

As all of you went inside, you encountered one of the Kamisato's and Thoma.

"Nice to see you again, Thoma." Beidou smiles giving Thoma an hug.

"I never knew you'd actually come back here." Thoma forms an big smile looking at the each of you.

"Kazuha as well? Welcome!" Thoma chuckles waving to Kazuha.

Thoma looks at the back of you, seeing Kaeya.

"Ooh, a new person on the house. You must be one of Traveler's friends!" Thoma puts his left hand on his hips still having a smile on his face.

All of you had quite a feast in the Teahouse. As always, Beidou was drunk again, talking about Ningguang.

While Kaeya wasn't feeling anything for a moment.

Kaeya was outside watching the sunset all by himself.

You slowly walk towards him, watching the sunset with him.

"It's been a while since I've watched the sunset." You watch the sunset smiling, as the breeze of the wind gently hits your face.

Kaeya looks at you, forming an smile on his face nodding. "So do I."

"There's an Lantern Rite at Liyue for a few days. Would you two like to join in?" As the both of you looked at the back of eachother, Zhongli was behind the both of you, watching the sunset as well.

"Sounds quite fun." Kaeya looks back at the sunset, smiling.

"Indeed, it is actually."
Very short ikr


I'm just so lazy and I'm loosing motivation,

Who should I let you partner up at this story for the lantern date? Cuz I'm thinking it would be Zhongli I don't know AHHAHAHA 😭

(707 words)

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