Chapter 5 : The Flowers II

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HELLOOOOO- Okay so, I'm a kaeya main ykyk, and I moved the other ideas a side for a while and put Kaeya's birthday HERE- but for now, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KAEYAAAAAA <3 (please don't mind any typos if there is)

Next morning, You wake up seeing no sign or Scaramouche at all. You thought he'd wait for you to wake up and give you coffee again, although he didn't. You sat down at the couch and looked down at the table next to you. It was a note and also an coffee with bread. You opened the note and read it ; "Good morning idiot. Drink the coffee before it's cold, I'm at my work right now so I don't fucking care if you go anywhere at this point."

Pfft- How careless of him, Or maybe he does care about you? You know what, Nevermind. He's a cold hearted person who doesn't care about people at all, He only cares about himself. He just wants you to serve him.

You scoffed by the note and put it down the table. You grab the coffee and took a sip of it. You hear someone knock on the door so you checked it, It must be Childe. You opened the door, revealing a Fatui Agent.

"Master Scaramouche -" The agent was cut off when he has seen you. You crossed your arms and put your left eyebrow up.

"Who are you?" The Agent asked, but he slowly takes out his weapon thinking you don't see it.

Fuck, you don't even have your weapon with you.

"I'm the traveler. Surrender or I will not hesitate to kill you, put your weapon down right now or you will be on contact with my sword." You gave the Fatui Agent a death stare.

"You think you can scare me?" The Fatui Agent scoffed and takes out his weapon.

You were about to just punch the Agent on the face but someone had call the Agent.

"Get out, I will kill you." Childe, ready to attack the Fatui Agent.

The Fatui Agent faced and looked at Childe then bowed. "My Apologies Master Childe."

The Agent walked away while Childe was staring at the Agent while they were walking. Childe looked back at you. "Are you alright?"

You looked at Childe and nodded. "That's good, what did they do?"

"The Fatui Agent was probably trying to find for Scaramouche. Although he saw me, and I don't have my sword so basically I have to pretend I had my sword with me, which it didn't work. Then you came along. Thank you Ajax." You smiled.

"But anyways, I just woke up and I have to change. But, I don't have other clothes with me." Childe just looked at you thinking of something to say.

"Oh, why don't we go buy some clothes for you?" Childe smiled.

You chuckled. "If you say so."

You both walked to Liyue and tried to find some shops that are clothing stores while talking to Childe about some more things.

Childe looks around and sees a clothing store.

"Ah - Oujo Chan, There's a Clothing Store right there." He grabs your arm and points it to there using your finger.

"Oh, Let's go there then." Childe nodded and you both went to the clothing store.

You both entered the clothing store and had a warming greet from the staffs. Childe helped you pick out some clothes, which you decided to choose one of the things Childe chose.

"I think this one is nice, good job Ajax." Childe's eyes widened and he chuckled.

"No worries Oujo Chan, I'll wait for you at the Cashier Register." He puts back the other clothing and went to the Cashier Register.

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