Chapter 3 : The Starting of The Day

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The three of you has been talking about a lot of things, Mora, Liyue, Snezhnaya and relationship s. By which I mean is, "Lovers Relationship."

"Xiansheng, by any chance, have you ever been in any relationships?" Childe looked at Zhongli, Curious.

Why was he even asking that?

Zhongli looks at Childe and puts the tea down.

"I haven't but.." Zhongli looks at you without moving his head, While Childe follow Zhongli's eyes what he was staring at. Zhongli looks back at Childe pretending nothing happened. "I've been thinking on having a relationship with someone."

Childe's face looked cold and pale while staring at Zhongli.

Zhongli quietly stares at Childe as well, making eye contact. Zhongli already know what Childe means by just making eye contact with eachother.

"Anyways.. Do you guys wanna go to some shops? Childe will buy it!" Interrupting them and looking at Childe, smiling. "Ah - But Oujo Chan!-" Childe looked at you frowning. "What? I left my wallet at that short guys office." You looked at Childe frowning as well. "I - Fine, let's go." Childe, Zhongli and you stood up from the seat and walked away to go to some shops. "You owe me this time Oujo Chan." Childe holding your hands. Which you were comfortable with it. "What? God, fine." You looked down. While Childe chuckled looking at your reaction. Zhongli looked at the both of you and looked down seeing the both of you holding hands. Zhongli didn't say anything but hold your other hand.

Your eyes widened and looked at the other side, revealing Zhongli's hand holding your hand as well. Childe looked up staring at Zhongli once again. Zhongli smiled at you and looked up staring at Childe again. You looked at both of them thinking they must've fought yesterday or more.

"Hey.. Guys, Why don't we get some accessories right there?" You pointed a shop near the three of you. Zhongli and Childe looked at the shop you were pointing at. "Ah, Alright, Let's go." You smiled and you three walked towards it.

"Welcome, Would you like to buy some accessories?" The cashier smiled at the three of you. "I'll get some out if you'd like." You nodded and they went to the back door to find some neat accessories. They come back showing red, blue, brown and gold like accessories.

"The others here are accessories that are shaped as the Visions." She pointed out the accessories that was shaped as visions. You three looked at it, seeing all the elements. Cryo, Hydro, Geo, Pyro, Anemo, Electro and Dendro.

"I'd like to have the Hydro, Geo and Cryo. Please." You looked at Childe and smiled.

Childe looked at you, sighing. He looked back at the cashier. "How much is it?" "Childe asks the cashier. "It'll be 35,000 mora." Childe looked at you and looks down at the accessories. "I'll take all of the vision accessories."

Your jaw dropped by Childe's words.

"Are you sure sir? I -"

"I'm sure." Childe, trying to impress you by just buying little things that he doesn't need.

"If you say so, sir. I'll go ready them for you." The cashier grabs the Accessories and went to the back to ready up the accessories you wanted.

"Hold on." The Cashier turns around to see if someone was calling for them.

It was Zhongli..

"How much for this?" Zhongli pointed at a ring. A medium sized ring just what every girl wants to have.

You and Childe looked at Zhongli while Zhongli was looking at the cashier. "It's 60,500 mora sir." Zhongli grabs his wallet and opens it. He counts how many mora he haves and takes most of them out.

"Here you go, 60,500 mora." He gracefully puts the mora on the counter. The cashier walked towards Zhongli and grabs mora to put it in the cashier register.

"I'll bring the ring to you shortly sir." She grabs the ring and gives it to Zhongli. "Although you should try it first." She then goes at the back to wrap the things Childe bought.

"How'd you get the money?" Childe asks Zhongli.

"I've been saving up mora recently."

Childe scoffed. "You should've been the one who took care of the bill on the foo-"

"I saved it up for special occasions." Zhongli cuts off Childe before he could say anything.

Childe and Zhongli stared at eachother once again, Childe's eyes looks like he's wanting to finally kill him. While Zhongli's eyes is just trying to impress theirselves.

Zhongli breaks the eye contact, he grabs the ring and looks at you. He grabs your waist and he leans you closer to him. He takes his hand away from your waist and holds your hand. "May I, Traveler?" He shows the ring, asking if he can put the ring on your finger if it fits. You looked at Zhongli and nodded. He smiles and inserts the ring on your finger. "It fits." You said, looking at Zhongli.

Childe looked at Zhongli, pissed.

The cashier comes back and gives the accessories that has been put in a box.

"Here you go, Sir." The cashier hands the accessories to Childe. "Thank you." Childe then gives a pouch of mora. "You can have all of them." The cashier looked at Childe and bowed down. "Thank you kind sir."

The cashier moves over to Zhongli and you. "Have you made your decision, Sir?" The cashier asked.

"Yes, I would like to have this ring please." Zhongli holding your hand showing them the ring around your finger. The cashier looked at your hand, surprised. "You both must be married soon?"

Zhongli's eyes widened and so as you and Childe.

"Ah, Well-"

"You must've mistaken, they're not going to get married at all, Both of them are just friends." Childe staring at Zhongli with death stare once again. Zhongli looking pissed at Childe. "Oh, Alright then. My apologies." The cashier apologized.

"No, it's fine, everyone does make mistakes, Haha!" Childe laughing.

After all of those, three of you went to different kinds of shops and all of that.

"It's already afternoon. We should get going Oujo Chan." You looked at Childe, frowning. "But-"


"I still wanna go to more shops!"

"Scaramouche is probably looking for you already."


"I'm sorry Oujo Chan, we can do it tomorrow again. Okay? Just the two of us this time."

You scoffed. "Alright then."

As you and Childe are about to go back, Zhongli called you.

"Traveler!" You turned around looking at Zhongli. He walks towards you and puts the ring on your finger once again. "A gift for you."

You looked at your finger while your jaw dropped. "Really? Thank you!" You hugged Zhongli while Zhongli does the same. You both broke then broke the hug. You walked away waving to Zhongli.

"You still owe me, you know that right, Oujo Chan?" You looked at Childe. "What? Fine." Childe chuckling at your reaction.

Childe held your hand and looked at Zhongli. Both of them glaring at eachother, eyes saying.. "They're only mine."



(1218 words)

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