Chapter 6 : His Appreciation

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(Btw someone be my zhongli to my childe)
Afternoon, although it was almost evening. You and Childe are walking away from Liyue Harbor, You both went to Wuwang hill exploring the place. Qingxin flowers everywhere.

You looked at the Qingxin Flowers and leaned down. Your grabbed one of the Qingxin Flowers and showed it to Childe.

"This Qingxin flower.. Xiao and Ganyu said they needed these." You said as you gently held the Qingxin flower.

Childe watches you passionately seeing you smile, which as well he smiled looking at you. You stood up and looked at Childe.

"We're not far away from the cliff of this hill. Let's watch the sunset together. Shall we, Oujo Chan?" He reaches his hand and gives a soft smile to you.

You smiled and accepted his offer. You both started walking to the hill, looking around, every detail and the other is amusing to you. You slightly smiled while looking at the scenery. While walking, Childe noticed that you find the creation of Liyue amazing. He smiles, finally thinking.

His mind full of sadness and happiness at the same time. He wants to stay at Liyue with you for a long time, He wants to spend his day with you forever. Even if you try and hurt his feelings he surely will still love you what matter it cost. He would change for you and only for you. He loved you... Very, Very much. Although he has to go back to Snezhnaya to meet he's family and start having duties there. He doesn't want to leave yet, He wants to stay with you even if it may cost his life. But how can he do that? Should he retire as an Fatui and start a whole family with you? No.. That's way to forward for him to think of. He does want to confess to you right now but.. Do you even love him back?

Childe shook his thoughts off and continued walking.

As you both are at a cliff, Both of you sat down and watched the sunset slowly go down.

"Ah.. It looks so pretty." You yawned and slowly lean your head to Childe's shoulder.

Childe looked at you without moving his head and replied. "You can put your head on my lap if you want Oujo Chan?"

You looked at Childe. "Are you sure, Your comfortable with it?"

Childe slightly chuckles and nodded. "Yes, You can. I'm comfortable with it when it comes to you."

You smiled and slowly reaching to his Lap, resting your head on Childe's lap.

Childe looked down at you and started brushing your hair. He looks up watching the sunset with you.

"I'm glad I can spend another time with you like this." Childe whispers to himself.

As it becomes evening, you finally fell asleep on Childe's lap.

"Oujo Chan, The sunset is gone. Do you want to go back?-" He looks down at you, seeing you already asleep. He slightly chuckles once again.

"Your so cute when you sleep." He slowly lifts your head as he tries to stand up.

He sighs and carries you on Bridal Style. Childe decided to not let you go back to the Fatui Lair but just book a hotel room and Paimon suddenly appearing.

As you both were about to go inside the hotel front door a familiar voice caught Childe's attention. "What are you doing to her?!" Childe faces the familiar voice revealing Paimon.

Childe smiles and replies. "She's sleeping right now. Don't wake her up, Okay? I'm going to book a Hotel Room for the three of us instead. By the way.. How did you manage to find us?"

"Simple, Paimon was following you both all along. But only for this day. You seem pretty jealous when she talked about The Calvary Captain." Paimon smiles.

Childe didn't know what to say since Paimon knew what his reaction looked like at that time.

"Well, let's get a room now, Shall we?" Paimon scoffed and nodded. "Fine, Let's go."

The three of you went in the hotel and booked a room for the three of you to sleep in.

"The Room number is 45, Enjoy your stay." The front desk gave the key to Childe and smiled, As Childe softly smiled to the front desk as a response of thank you.

Childe walks to the told location of the room while Paimon follows Childe.

"Hey, You seem so.. loving when Traveler is around." Paimon flies around asking Childe questions.

"I just do." Childe mumbles his words out quietly to Paimon.

"Ohh, So you do like the Traveler! Well, Good for you." "Although.. Paimon knows that Traveler is still finding their sibling so they are not focu-"

"Focusing on love yet." Childe cuts off Paimon's words and continues Paimon's sentence. Childe sounded sad and desperate for your love as well. But you never want to focus on love first.

What's the point on loving you then? Am I just a toy to you? What is it that you can't love me yet? Childe asking to himself multiple times.

Childe and Paimon had finally found the room, Childe looked at Paimon and hands over the room key. "Open the door, I'm carrying traveler here." Paimon grabs the key from Childe and huffs while opening the door. "Could've at least woke Traveler up and put her down so you can open this door."

"Well I couldn't do that, Oujo Chan was sleeping." Childe slightly whispers to Paimon.

"Whatever, At least Paimon already knows your secrets."

Childe looked at Paimon and huffed. Childe enters the room and puts you down the bed. He then faces Paimon and replies to what Paimon had said a while ago.

"You don't know most of my secrets." Childe said to Paimon.

Paimon scoffed and went to the other bed. "Whatever! Paimon will go to sleep now." Paimon yawns and tucks herself in the bed to sleep. As Childe sighs and leans close to you. A gap between the both of your faces.

"Good night, Oujo Chan. Sweet dreams." He kisses your forehead and as he stood up, he tucks you in and went to the other last bed, And as three of you finally slept.

(1091 words)

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