Chapter 11 : What is this feeling?

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Bro okay so, I'm at the vaccination center getting my first dose, and I was bored so why not make a story rn right? Anyways people are at my back so I'm not using caps 💀 They might see what I'm texting rn......

Well anyways enjoy~
"Can I go outside for a bit with you, Oujo Chan?" Childe looks at you, his ocean blue eyes reflecting to the light. You couldn't say no since he has been through enough and the accident that happened yesterday. So what you just did was nodded to his response.

You helped him go outside cause mostly he must've hurt himself from running yesterday. You couldn't carry him, so what were you suppose to do? He was a little... Nevermind.

You slowly opened the door, which Childe looked up to see the scenery. Mostly flowers were planted everywhere, sunrise slowly showing. He could see Barbatos statue as well. It feels like home here.. Although it was colder at Snezhnaya. Childe was curious of going up to the place where Venti's statue is.

"Can we, go up there? I want to see the statue." Childe pointed at the statue.

"Sure." You both slowly walked to the stairs, step by step.

As you both get there he looks up at the statue, "Huh, There's no statue of Morax at Liyue." After Childe said those, he looks at you. "Do you think that they'll make one soon enough?" He slowly let's go of your grip around him and sat down near the end of the pillar of the side of the stairs.

You looked at Childe after he let's go of your grip. "I think so, Although I don't at the same time. They didn't make one at the first place I suppose." You faced the sunrise as Childe looks back at him looking at the sunrise as well.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Childe asks you still facing the sunrise. You nodded. "Indeed it is beautiful."

Childe gives a soft smile. Although he now wonders if he can stay with you here whenever he wants. But the Tsaritsa can mostly kill him and his family if he ever betrays the Tsaritsa or not do his own mission. He might give as well give up everything to be with you.

"What were you both talking about last night?" Childe looks back at you, quite curious. So he's been listening that whole time or he just saw what Kaeya was doing?

"You must've followed us. But we were talking about my nightmare, Nothing special." You crossed your arms facing Childe.

He goes silent for a moment and stood up to lean close to your face. You held his chest with a side fist forming on your hand.

"What are you doing?" Your face slowly turning crimson red, you were a bit embarrassed.

"What else do you think I'm doing?" Childe slowly cups your face. Your eyes locked with eachother. His face went serious yet a slight frowning face.

"I don't know what else I'm thinking.." You were mostly confused, it's like your brain was scattered by little pieces.

Then the gap between your faces was gone. Both of your bodies wraps together. Your heart skips a beat. Butterflies flying around your stomach.

What happened? Childe kissed you. He was waiting till you kissed back, although you never really did. You pulled away from the kiss, your mind was going crazy, you don't know what happened. Childe slightly frowns waiting for your response. Full of guilt and pressure. "I'll go then, I'm sorry Oujo Chan." He let's go of you and walks back to the headquarters.

You felt guilty. Stupidly, Guilty. You're not in love with him. He's a friend, right? He accidentally just did that.

Your brain is starting to confuse you, This.. Feeling, It's different than the past. Regret, Guilt and even love. But you don't love him. He doesn't love you. You should be focusing on finding your brother. Not fall in love, Goddamn it.

It's hard. Why should you fall in love with someone like that so easily? Every monday you would go sparring with him. Every. Monday. And why now that you fall in love with him? Your brain is literally telling you that you shouldn't be in love with him. Why are you listening? Your brain is telling you that you aren't in love with Childe or any among your friends. Your heart says otherwise.
Very short ik, don't kill me for this man....... And I just got my 2nd dose SO LET'S GO AAADJHDBD Although I'm still at the vaccination center, this one boy tho UHM/hj

Okay anyways Have a great day Stay safe <33333 TYSM FOR 400 READS BTW

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