Chapter 8 : We'll meet again II

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Guys please don't ghost read TT

I really need suggestions cause I'm thinking for other stories very much -

So please, and I'm sorry for the wait for the next chapter! This is rushed cause I did this while doing homework so I'm sorry about that TT

I need to do my brothers homework as well sadly,

Anywho enjoy ‼️

Timmie just looked at the both of you. Kaeya let's go of your waist and looks at you, smiling softly.

He quickly turns back and continues to feed the pigeons. "So you both are couples, huh?" Timmie mumbled, looking gross.

Kaeya looked at Timmie and nodded. "Now now, don't make that face. Soon enough when you grow up you'll have one as well."

Timmie huffs and looks at Kaeya angrily. "Whatever." Kaeya laughs innocently.

"Although, Thank you for feeding the pigeons Mister." Timmie mumbles his words out once again slightly silent.

Kaeya smiles. "No worries. Traveler did told me that we should both feed the pigeons, you can thank them instead." Kaeya and Timmie looks at you.

"Oh, I see. Thank you I guess." Timmie looks away crossing his arms. You slightly laughed and looked at Timmie, you nodded. "You're welcome."

Just looking at you, Kaeya has already fallen in love with you. Just a smile, affection, laugh, and when you get flustered. It's like something he truly loves about you. Even seeing your battle scars. As well he can't believe you could defeat Divalin as well, he feels special when he is with you. But how can he let you stay with him longer?

"Traveler!" You looked at the familiar voice calling you, as Kaeya looked as well.

It's.. Paimon and Childe.

"Paimon! Did you see the letter?" You ran towards the both of them, as Kaeya follows you.

Paimon nods. "Mhm, Even Childe saw it!" As she puts both of her hands behind her, smiling softly.

You looked at Childe, where you remember that night. "Oh- Yes, I actually saw it first and showed it to Paimon. She was about to leave but then I accompanied her so she could be safe." Childe, Just staring at you, not even smiling. I guess he still remembers that night.

Kaeya looked at Childe, as Childe looked at Kaeya as well.

"You are?" Childe asked Kaeya.

Before Kaeya could say anything Paimon interrupted. "He is the Calvary Captain, Kaeya!" Paimon said confidently.

Childe then thought to himself.. "So this is the Calvary Captain Oujo Chan has been talking about. How unfortunate, Does she find him attractive anyway?" Childe getting pissed off by just already looking at him.

"Right.. Kaeya, This is Childe. Tartaglia is another way you can call him. One of my friends from Liyue, Although his hometown is Snezhnaya." You looked at Kaeya.

"Is that so? Why hello there Childe. It's nice to meet you, Let's say, I hear a lot of things about you since Traveler told me tons about you. You seem pretty amazing." Kaeya chuckles.

God, Childe already wants to eliminate Kaeya at this point. How are you attracted to this idiot? I just wish I was Kaeya.. What does he have that I can't achieve your heart?

Childe's heart started aching but tried to ignore it. "Huh, I see. That's nice." Childe looks back to you.

"Oujo Chan, would you like to go back to Liyue? We can bring Zhongli if you'd like.." Childe added.

You looked at Childe and mumbled. "Sure.. I suppose we could."

Childe took out a ignorant smile still regretting that night.

..Do you hate him for it?

"Well- It's almost Christmas. So we can start buying gifts for everyone if you'd like." Childe mumbling out his words as well. Kaeya seems like he knows both of you are uncomfortable for some reason.

"Oh? Is something wrong? You both seem uncomfortable." Kaeya asked the both of you. You and Childe looked at Kaeya.

"Yeah, we're fine. Me and Oujo Chan will go back to Liyue and buy some Christmas Gifts." Childe was about to grab your hand when Kaeya stopped Childe.

"Ah, I don't think so. I want to know what's going on. Your so called 'Oujo Chan' looks quite uncomfortable." Kaeya staring at Childe intensely.

Eyes locked, Childe's starting to lose his patients and already wants to execute Kaeya.. So close to taking out his bow. His vision slowly starting to act up. You looked down realising it.

"Okay, Okay. Kaeya I'm fine don't worry, I'm not uncomfortable anyways. Me and Childe has hang out for how many times now." You sigh. You looked at Childe.

"Shall we go then?" You asked Childe.

Childe looks at you and nodded. "Very well then."

Kaeya staring at Childe intensely. Oh god, You're glad a fight didn't start. Kaeya would've died by now because you already know Childe will defeat Kaeya immediately.

"May I come then? I'm quite free today. Jean gave me a day off after all." Kaeya looking at you and Childe.

"Hey- Don't leave Paimon here. Are you guys forgetting about Paimon?!"

You laughed. "Of course you can Kaeya, And don't worry Paimon, we didn't forget about you." Kaeya chuckles softly, While Childe huffs softly.

"Fine then, you can come with us. Just don't get us too much trouble." Kaeya rolls his eyes.

"You don't have to worry now, I won't do a thing. I promise." Kaeya trying his best to be a little nice for once to a person that likes you.

"Very well, let's go." All of you started walking to Liyue.

Alright so I suppose that's it for nowww- There's gonna be a part 3 for this I'm sorry I promise I will do it when I'm actually finished with my homework ‼️

Happy Early Christmas and I hope you all have an amazing day <3 (Again please don't ghost read TT)

(976 words)

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