Chapter 25 : Shall we then?

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Alright so this is gonna be like an short chapter about childe yk so yeah

Also it's my grandmother's birthday and I am very tired I didn't even sleep today.

Istg im 15% I should've brought my charger


Enjoy the fanfic
(Please ignore any typos/auto corrects)
The Balladeer knows what he's doing, but not quite.

Soonly enough, once he betrays the Tsaritsa..

They will hunt him down, but it isn't going to be easy at all.

He has The Gnosis of an Archon.

Childe was stressed out, he grabs an bottle of wine and pours some down the glass cup.

As he puts down the bottle he sits down at the chair letting out a big groan.

He then closed his eyes and threw his head back, slowly swallowing his own saliva down his throat.

And as for that, someone immediately knocks on the door, Childe groans and opens his eyes finally sitting properly.

"Come in."

As Childe said that, one of the Fatui Diplomats comes in.

"Master Tartaglia. There is an friend of yours from Mondstadt has come to visit you or some sort." The Fatui bows down and looks back up at Childe.

Childe stands up from his chair and puts down his wine on the table, not looking at The Fatui, like an child who is upset because of his parents.

"Describe them, will you?" Childe groans as he finally turns around to face the Fatui.

"Well - They have an blue hair and blue eyes.."

"Let me see them." The Fatui was cut off by Childe's words immediately as he sighs and walks away to the entrance of the place.

Childe looks back down at the wine glass and gently holds it, sipping it by bits like it was tea.

"Here they are, Master Tartaglia."

"Leave us both." Childe gives an side eyes glare to the Fatui as the fatui nods and walks away.

Childe faces Kaeya as of he was an enemy of his.

"Go lock the door behind you, Kaeya."

Kaeya's eyes widened as he faces the door and closes it.

As he did that, he faces Childe and walks towards him.

"How did they let you in?" Childe crosses his arms, narrowing his own eyes.

"Well Mr. Zhongli said that The Fatui barely knows me and my identity so basically they sent me off to go here. Just now, we just finished eating at Wanmin Restaurant." Kaeya looks down at the seat and looks back up at Childe.

"May I?" Kaeya points down at the chair as Childe nods going around the table and sitting down on the other chair.

Briefly he knew that it was impossible of Kaeya to go here on his own, like an lost child finding for help and arriving here as if it's The Milleliths.

As The room went silent Kaeya finally speaks.

"You should actually leave this place, we also thought you were the dead person The Adeptus was talking about but.. it seems like we were wrong." Kaeya had suspicions to Zhongli even after the day they met. Who could possibly be the dead person that adeptus was talking about?

"Dead person?" Childe gives out a slight smug on his face looking back up at Kaeya.

"Yeah, The only Adeptus they were talking about? The Yaksha? He said someone was dead, It's probably related to The Traveler."

As for Childe, he never knew exactly what Zhongli has been up to since the past weeks with Xiao. Although, He does know he also had suspicions on Zhongli's actions.

"Alright, I have to go. And also, Traveler misses you. You should might as well get out of here and help us figure out who was the dead person and where The Traveler's brother could be."

Childe looks down in disbelief, not actually knowing what to do.

Scaramouche was busy for the whole day so he thought maybe he could go, but maybe later on he'll be coming back there to Childe.

Kaeya stands up from his seat and sighs walking back towards the office door.

"We're always here when you need us you know that right, Childe? Though, I think it's goodbye for now then." Kaeya opens the door of the office and walks back out of the fatui lair.

He walks away much further as he reaches to the place where you and the others were hiding.

"I finally talked to him." As Kaeya said that, you and Zhongli stood up as well for Paimon.

"Well? What did he say?" Paimon was waiting for an answer.

"He said he's gonna come." In the distance the each of you heard somewhat an familiar voice at the distance.

As the each of you turned around you see Childe waving.

"It's Childe!" Paimon calls out as Childe walks closer.

"What are you all waiting for? Let's go shall we?" Childe smiles as you were glad to see him again, happy.
Did I just finished this at 3 am? Yes. Can I go back to sleep? No.

Anyways yeah let me cry cuz I forgot to pre farm for Ayato today


(855 words)

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