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Taehyung and Jimin have been spending time with the trio for a couple of days now. Lisa has become excellent friends with them, particularly Taehyung. 

 Taehyung and Lisa had managed to bridge the gap between their seemingly different personalities, forming an unexpected bond that blossomed into a genuine friendship. Despite Lisa's cold and reserved demeanour, Taehyung's bratty charm had worked its magic, gradually melting away the frosty exterior.

Their friendship unfolded quietly, marked by shared moments and understanding glances. Lisa, once guarded, found herself opening up to Taehyung's infectious energy. He, in turn, appreciated the depth beneath Lisa's cool facade. Their connection was built on a silent understanding, an unspoken agreement that allowed them to appreciate each other's uniqueness.

Jimin's heart began to flutter unexpectedly, and he found himself captivated by Yoongi's calm and composed demeanour. The encounter at the cafeteria had sparked something within him, a connection that went beyond the surface. As days passed, Jimin couldn't deny the growing crush he harboured for the enigmatic and cool Yoongi.

Yoongi's quiet confidence and understated charm had a magnetic effect on Jimin. The way he carried himself, with an air of mystery and tranquillity, drew Jimin in like a moth to a flame. Despite Yoongi's seemingly cold exterior, there was an allure that Jimin found both intriguing and irresistible.

As their interactions increased, whether through casual conversations or shared moments in group settings, Jimin discovered layers to Yoongi that went beyond the initial impression of aloofness. There was a subtle kindness and wisdom beneath the calm facade, and Jimin found himself admiring Yoongi not just for his exterior, but for the person he was discovering within.

Jimin's crush became more evident to his friends, who couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in his behaviour whenever Yoongi was around. The playful banter and laughter that characterized their group dynamic now carried an additional layer of meaning for Jimin.

Navigating the delicate dance of a crush on someone as composed as Yoongi presented its own set of challenges for Jimin. He found himself stealing glances, daydreaming about conversations, and feeling a heightened sense of excitement whenever Yoongi was near. It was a journey of self-discovery for Jimin, as he grappled with emotions that were both exhilarating and unfamiliar.

In the complex tapestry of high school friendships, Jimin's crush on Yoongi added a touch of sweetness and anticipation, reminding everyone that even amid seemingly unshakeable calm, the flutter of a crush could disrupt the most composed hearts.

Jimin continues to be attracted to Yoongi and follows him around like a lost puppy.

Amidst the blossoming friendships and subtle romantic undercurrents, Jeongguk found himself increasingly annoyed by the newcomers in the group. The once-quiet lunch table, which consisted of Lisa, Yoongi, and himself, had been disrupted by the arrival of Taehyung and Jimin. The calm and reserved atmosphere that Jeongguk preferred was replaced by the loud and playful dynamics of the new additions.

Jeongguk, with his cold and distant demeanour, struggled to adapt to the sudden change in the group dynamics. The tranquillity he sought during lunchtime was replaced by laughter and banter, leaving him feeling like an outsider in his own space. The annoyance simmered beneath the surface as he observed the group's interactions becoming more animated.

Taehyung's bratty charm and Jimin's infectious energy grated on Jeongguk's nerves. Their constant chatter and lively presence seemed like an intrusion into the solitude he had come to appreciate. Jeongguk found himself withdrawing further into his own thoughts, his annoyance manifesting in subtle glares and sighs.

The once seamless trio now felt like a crowded gathering, and Jeongguk couldn't help but resent the disruption caused by the newcomers. He longed for the quiet moments, the peace that had defined his lunchtime routine before the arrival of Taehyung and Jimin.

On the other hand, Lisa appeared unfazed by the changes. Her cold and reserved exterior remained intact, but subtle happiness flickered within her whenever Taehyung was around. His presence seemed to bring a certain lightness to her demeanour, and she found comfort in the unexpected friendship that had formed.

Yoongi, with his calm and collected nature, continued to observe the unfolding dynamics. While Jimin's constant chatter might have irked him, Yoongi chose to remain silent, letting the words wash over, listening to the rants, and nodding when needed to him without outwardly expressing annoyance.

As the group continued to navigate the complexities of their relationships, the contrasting personalities brought both harmony and discord. Jeongguk's annoyance, Lisa's indifference, and Yoongi's silent tolerance added layers of complexity to the evolving friendships. In the midst of these dynamics, the group found themselves on a journey of discovery, learning to appreciate the differences that each member brought to the table.

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