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It was a weekend, windy and calm day. all the students in the college were excited about the party tonight, held by one of the popular students, Park Chanyeol. Chanyeol was the boy of all girls' dreams. A dream which was far from coming true, yet every girl had a high expectation. Apparently, he was single. Girls in the college were gushing about their outfits and they are going to impress Chanyeol and his friends who are hot as fuck as well.

THE PARKS were said to be one of the most powerful families in the country after THE JEONS. Chanyeol's parties were never normal if they didn't have alcohol, cigs, girls, making out, a few pairs banging in the empty rooms and empty corners, loud music and so many unusual things and that was something the college students enjoyed, so no one really complained. He was known for hosting the best parties and who says no to that? No one, right? 

well, Jeongguk does partially. Jeongguk, no doubt is a party type of person but what annoys him the most is the girls at the party. Attention seekers and clout chasers who are always behind his back for his notice on them. But he makes sure to reject them as politely as possible.

"where are you going?" Mr Jeon aka Kang Hwa asked his son, averting his gaze on his son who was running down on stairs, looking all ready for the party.

Jeongguk froze as he faced his father, the fear evident in his eyes as he gulped nervously. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a recognition of the strict and overprotective nature that defined Jeongguk's parents, particularly his father. While they were genuinely sweet and caring, their concern for Jeongguk often manifested as stringent rules and expectations.

Kang Hwa's strict and career-oriented nature overshadowed any consideration for Jeongguk's happiness or personal desires. The pursuit of status and reputation took precedence over everything else in his world. Jeongguk often found himself confined within the walls of his father's expectations, with little room for personal growth or exploration.

The pressure to conform to Kang Hwa's vision of success weighed heavily on Jeongguk's shoulders, stifling his individuality and thwarting any attempts to break free from the predetermined path. The strict adherence to a predefined set of rules and standards left little room for Jeongguk to express his own aspirations or pursue avenues that might bring him joy.

Kang Hwa's emphasis on success and reputation created an environment where external appearances and societal expectations took precedence over personal fulfilment. In such a rigid framework, Jeongguk struggled to find his own identity and discover what truly made him happy, as the pursuit of his father's approval overshadowed his own desires and dreams.
"To the party at Chanyeol's," Jeongguk replied quietly, the honesty in his response hanging in the air. However, Mr. Jeon wasted no time in expressing his disapproval. "This is not how it works, Jeongguk. You aren't supposed to wander around at parties. You could have done something productive this evening. Why do you want to waste your time on something like this?" his father spoke sharply.

"I... I... It's just to refresh," Jeongguk attempted to explain, his voice uncertain. However, Mr. Jeon was quick to dismiss the idea. "Well, you could take a rest for a few hours to refresh and then go study. Parties will bring you a headache and make you feel even sicker," he scolded, emphasizing the importance of academics and productivity over socializing.

The exchange highlighted the rigid expectations and high standards Jeongguk faced within his family, where even moments of leisure were scrutinized for their perceived impact on his overall well-being and success.

"It's Not like I'm going and wandering around at parties every day, Dad. I want to spend time the way I want with my friends." Jeongguk argued. "That's not how you talk to me, Jeongguk. Mind your tone."  Mr Jeon raised his tone this time. 

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