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" Are you feeling better now?"

The only thing Taehyung heard was when he was trying to squint his eyes open. The light rays were making it hard for the boy to blink his eyes. 

As soon as he grew aware of his surroundings, He didn't have to look around to see where he was. The heavy smell of chemicals was filling up his nose. He slowly looked aside to see a pair of concerned eyes looking at him. He tried to blink his eyes properly to have a good look at the person. 

"w-who are you?" Taehyung asked, trying to sit up, leaning his back against the wall. He coughed a little when the other was trying to help him sit up properly. Now, he looked at him again and studied his features, waiting for an explanation from the guy.

"Hey, I saw you lying in the middle of the cafeteria and I saw people didn't really bother to help you, So, I brought you here for the infirmary. The nurse had applied an ointment for the bruises and injected you with a painkiller. Nothing serious other than your bleeding nose. It'll be healed in a few days" The guy beamed. 

Taehyung nodded with a smile. "Thank you for helping me. But I seriously don't need your pity. You must have been disgusted by it as well. I mean, no shit! The college is filled with homophobes." Taehyung muttered, sadly making the guy shake his head immediately. 

"No, trust me with this. I've seen what has happened to you in the cafeteria. And this is not the first time I have seen you here. I joined here a few days ago and we share a couple of classes together. I really felt bad for you but I couldn't help you with it. Most importantly, I am not at all disgusted by you! I mean why would I be disgusted by my own mate." The guy wiggled his eyebrows, smiling brightly, trying to cheer up the mood. 

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "what do you mean?"

"Alright, let me introduce myself to you. Hi, I am Jung Hosek. A History major, We share a couple of classes together. You never noticed me but I did, I mean, Of course, you were like everywhere on the campus and in the minds and hearts of so many people." The guy with Platinum white-blond hair introduced himself cheerfully, sticking his hand out. He was one of those beauties that one could ever find. He was glowing like a sun. 

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Taehyung shook his hand immediately with a smile

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Taehyung shook his hand immediately with a smile. "You know me already. Now, probably with some other reason." He sighed sadly. 

"I was on my way there. Look, you don't have to be afraid of who you are; rather, embrace it. I understand that whatever happened wasn't the best way to handle the situation, but believe me when I say that you can alter their opinions. You can show them how their behaviours are, but the criticism will never work on you. I understand that coming out to one's family and friends is a big deal, but this was cruel. They have seen you as untouchable, and they have ignored you when you were in need. All of this is unacceptably bad." Hoseok began to fade away.

"Thank you, But I think you are supposed to go. They might start bullying you just because you are with me right now. I don't want someone else to face the situation I faced today." Taehyung mumbled looking at nowhere particularly. 

Hoseok just shook his head with a smile. "I think you didn't get me properly. I am Gay. Completely gay. Cent per cent gay. I out myself to my parents and friends and they had no issue with it, But the biggest issue is in this college. It is homophobic and is filled with homophobes." Hoseok clicked his tongue. 

Taehyung widened his eyes with the sudden information. "I d-don't even know you p-properly but I'm already jealous of you. I am happy for you" Taehyung smiled widely. 

"Gosh, you have the cutest smile!" Hoseok complimented. 

Taehyung just had a lopsided grin playing on his lips at the compliment. The pain in his back was killing him. He was sure of the fact that it was completely bruised. He just kept looking at his lap, fiddling with his finger.

"Do you think you will be able to walk?" He heard Hoseok ask eyeing him. 

"No, I don't think so" Taehyung tried to laugh his pain away.  The other nodded in understanding. "Looks like it" He sighed later. 

"How long have I been here for?" Taehyung muttered again. 

"almost 2 and a half hours" 


A group of boys were goofing around in an empty classroom. Giving each other high-fives, cracking jokes and laughing at the lamest ones holding their stomachs. They all looked unbothered until the door of their room burst open with a loud thud. 

Everyone whipped their heads towards the source of the noise only to find Jeongguk fuming in rage. 

Jeongguk stood at the threshold, his eyes ablaze with a fiery intensity that instantly silenced the room. The jovial atmosphere evaporated, leaving an awkward tension in its wake. His normally calm demeanour had given way to an unmistakable anger that radiated off him, casting a palpable unease over the once-lighthearted gathering.

The group of boys exchanged uncertain glances, sensing the gravity of the situation. Jeongguk's clenched fists and the subtle twitch in his jaw hinted at the brewing storm within him. They were no longer in the realm of light banter and laughter; a tempest had entered the room, and the air crackled with an unsettling energy.

One of the boys cautiously approached Jeongguk, attempting to diffuse the mounting tension. "Hey, Jeongguk, what's up? Why the sudden entrance?" Jackson inquired, trying to maintain an air of nonchalance. Jeongguk, however, remained stoic, his gaze piercing throughout the room with unwavering intensity, trying to find the person he was here for in the first place. 

Without uttering a word, Jeongguk charged directly at a seemingly innocent silhouette behind Jackson. His silence spoke volumes, revealing an unspoken narrative that demanded attention. The boys' eyes followed his accusatory gesture, realizing that something. The hushed trembling whispers that ensued betrayed an undercurrent of concern, and the once carefree atmosphere now hung on the precipice of uncertainty as Jeongguk punched Jinyoung square in the jaw. 

Jeongguk's anger seemed to emanate from a deeper source, and the room stood on the edge of revelation, awaiting the storm that loomed in the unspoken words between clenched teeth.

"stay the fuck away!" That was the only thing Jeongguk growled before he turned around to walk out of the room leaving the grunting boy on the floor unattended with his bruises. 

Jeongguk again knew creating too much trouble or fighting would end up bringing his father to the college and that's the last thing he wanted to happen. Having his father know the mess in the college would only worsen the fiasco though he was still aware of the given limited months of freedom.

That freedom basically meant nothing. He clearly was cognizant of the fact that his father still expected to do none of those as he had said before. There was irony in his words. He couldn't risk that at all. 

He clenched his fist when he realised that he could basically do nothing without his father's validation of anything. Also, keep in mind the fact that his father was one of the trustees of the college. He couldn't risk it all. 

He walked through the hallway without a destination. He wanted to go check on Taehyung but realising what he had done to him a few hours prior only infuriated himself. He stood there like a coward watching him get beaten. 

His knuckles clenched white as he recalled how someone else was carrying him to the infirmary and all he did was stand there and stare at what had happened. He couldn't protect the one he dearly loved. He wanted to hold him in his arms and comfort him and soothe him with sweet little pecks on his bruises but he knew he could not bring himself to do that. 

He was sure that Taehyung would hate him with all his might. He sighed when a single tear dripped down his cheeks. 


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