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After the night at the carnival, things were never the same anymore. 

The tension between Taehyung and Jeongguk rose to its maximum length. No matter how normal they try to act, in the end, they find each other staring into each other's souls or at some space, thinking about each other. Though things have escalated way too fast, Jeongguk was true to his words. He gave Taehyung a chance as he promised and he swears to god that it was one of the best decisions that he had ever taken. 

But at the same time, how he wished he could turn back in time and never let Taehyung come closer to him. That he never came across him or met him in the first place.

He wished, at times, that he hadn't met Taehyung, that their paths hadn't crossed, 

He wished...

Laying down on the bed, staring at the ceiling above, fat tears left from the corner of Jeongguk's eyes, making their way towards his earlobe and finally wetting the pillow under his head. Trying to stabilise his breath as he tried to muffle his cries so that no one could hear him.

 He could hear his heart pounding, his chest swelling every time he took a breath. Wanted someone's warmth to engulf him to make him feel at ease. Wanted someone to say that he was ok, to say that he was doing fine, to say that he had him by his side, to say whatever that has happened to him was for a reason and it's for his good. He needed that assurance...

He hated that Taehyung had introduced an unexpected excitement, a deviation from the predictable path he had been following.

Jeongguk found himself navigating through unknown territory. The conflicting desires tugged at his heart, leaving him to question the choices he had made and the ones he was yet to make. As he moved forward, the path ahead seemed uncertain, with each step carrying the weight of decisions that could redefine the course of his life.

Jeongguk was conflicted. He had a girlfriend to take care of, a relationship that held its own complexities. Lisa deserved his attention, yet Taehyung lingered in the periphery, a constant reminder of a world he had tentatively stepped into.

Jeongguk felt the internal struggle intensify within him. On one side, the rational part of his mind urged him to distance himself from Taehyung and to maintain the boundaries of his existing relationship with Lisa. The societal norms, the commitments, and the promises he had made tugged at him, compelling him to resist the magnetic pull that Taehyung seemed to exert.

However, on the flip side, an undeniable force within him craved Taehyung's presence. It was a desire that went beyond the societal constructs, beyond the commitments he had made. Taehyung represented a breath of fresh air, a deviation from the familiar, and the allure of the unknown was captivating.

 He knew how wrong this was. 

-A few hours ago-

"babe, She sounded serious when she called. I don't feel good about it." Lisa whispered, Her tone laced with absolute worry. Jeongguk glanced away from the road to look at her before concentrating on driving again. 

"Please don't stress yourself about it already. We haven't met her yet. It'll be alright." Jeongguk spoke gently bringing his hand closer to Lisa's, intertwining them, and bringing it to his lips before he pecked them softly. Lisa looked at him and smiled a little but Jeongguk knew that it was not coming from within. Lisa turned her gaze away, turning it to the fields they were passing by to distract her thoughts. 

Jeongguk just sighed softly. His heart pounding faster than ever. He can't let her feel down. No matter how cool he is acting from the outside right now, He has been scared to death ever since he got a call. 

After a few minutes more of driving,  Jeongguk finally pulled away. Lisa immediately hopped out of the car and rushed in. 

"Good Afternoon, Lisa" A woman from her mid-30s greeted her. "Good Afternoon, jiwoo." Lisa greeted back. Jiwon turned her gaze towards the jogging male. She flashed eyebrows before she stuck her hand out for a shake. "Hello, Jeongguk. Nice to meet you." Jeongguk shook her hand "Nice to meet you too."

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