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5 days have passed and there is no trace of the elder. Jeongguk was now beyond worried for him. He couldn't believe that the elder would completely ghost him without talking. He knew that things wouldn't be the same anymore. He felt like something was missing from him. Like the lack of sunshine in his life for the past few days.

He felt the lack of warmth. He just couldn't decipher. When new people enter their lives, did they make a new home within them or did they just replace the existing people? And it's funny how people live their best lives when he is just throwing his life gradually. We need a lot more than a mirror to see ourselves clearly. In Jeongguk's case, it's taehyung. 

Taehyung is bringing the real emotions out of Jeongguk without his knowledge. Jeongguk is aware of that and he wants to get them experienced by Taehyung. He doesn't want to do it on his own. He wants to show it Taehyung. 

He sighed when he remembered that the elder wasn't ready to show himself anytime soon. He let his legs take him to wherever they were going. Finally, he found himself being in the canteen along with Jimin, Yoongi and Lisa.

"Hey, babe." Lisa side-hugged him when Jeongguk sat beside her. Yoongi flashed his eyebrows acknowledging his presence and Jimin waved and smiled at him. "Do you want me to get you food?" Lisa asked, looking at the younger. Jeongguk shook his head "No, It's ok, I am not hungry." he replied. 

"Have a little. You might get hungry." Lisa said bringing her chopsticks of chicken to his mouth. Jeongguk shook his head in denial but Lisa insisted. "Just a little." 

Jeongguk opened his mouth and let Lisa feed him. "You guys are cute!" Jimin exclaimed with a wide smile and his forming dark crescents. "Are we?" Lisa chuckled a little as she looked down at her plate. "No wonder why so many people are jealous of you," Jimin muttered before he munched on his food. 

Jeongguk just listened to them and kept opening his mouth, allowing Lisa to feed him until he remembered something. "Hey, why isn't Taehyung coming to college? Jeongguk asked after munching his food. He frowned a little when he saw how Jimin's smile dropped immediately. 

"I'm not sure. I haven't talked in a long time "Jimin mumbled, his gaze falling on his plate. "Huh! Aren't you two roommates?" Jeongguk cocked his head. With a shake of his head, Jimin expressed his dissatisfaction with the situation. " Not really, We live in separate apartments on the same floor. They're opposite to each other. We had a fight and haven't seen one other in a while; he lives in my flat otherwise. I haven't seen him going out in a couple of days. I didn't think to call to see how he was doing." Jimin slurped his juice and shrugged his shoulders. Jeongguk simply nodded, oblivious to the reason for their quarrel. He didn't want to appear enthralled.

When the bell rang, everyone began to disperse to their various classes. After hugging Jeongguk, Lisa walked away. Yoongi had to go since he had a phone call. Jimin and Jeongguk were left to their own. "Jimin!" Jeongguk called the elder, who was on his way out the door. "Huh!" Jimin shifted his focus.

Jeongguk paused, scratching his nape. Jimin's brows furrowed in surprise at the new behaviour. "C-could you please give me your address?" Jeongguk inquired, nervously, after a lengthy sigh. "Why?" Jimin was enthralled. "I'll simply check in on Taehyung," Jeongguk remarked. With a taunting grin, Jimin smirked and punched his shoulder. "Are you concerned?"

Jeongguk shook his head and clutched his shoulder. "That's not the case! I just wanted to make sure he was okay. Don't you want to know how he's doing as well?" He reasoned while averting his gaze. "It's the same thing." Jimin gave a grin and a nod. "OK, OK, I'll DM you the location!" Jimin remarked this as he took his phone from his pocket. He gave his location right away and heard Jeongguk's phone ding. Jeongguk double-checked his work and grinned a little. "Jimin, thank you very much. I'm going to leave right now." Jeongguk let out a small sigh of relief.

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