3. Dimpled Lunatic

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Pairing: Rebekah/Stefan-(F/m) hand

Chapter Text

"A child is a curly dimpled lunatic." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Guest House

Sunday Afternoon

May 6, 1855

Klaus had just revealed to Elijah that Lily Salvatore had been dead of consumption for month. Mr. Salvatore had not deigned to inform his children. For what reason, they did not entirely know.

Klaus frowned, "Their bloody father is not only a drunkard and a brute, but a liar. Brother, let us give them a few days to settle in before breaking the news. Poor lads."

Elijah nodded, "I am not sure our sister can handle these boys herself. The little tyke ran off in a coach when Damon was supposed to be watching him for a moment in town. Rebekah said Damon gave him a few swats, but I think these boys are going to need a firm hard."

"Speaking of, did you take the ruler to Kol again? I have warned him about feeding off of the servants more times than I can count!" Klaus scoffed.

"No, I put him in the corner and had him write lines after a firm talking-to, which he detests. He did it without complaint, well much complaint, so I feel like he learned his lesson. Perhaps I went too easy on him before services yesterday? I know how hard this move has been on him," Elijah said bringing his hand to his head.

"So our new human wards? You want me to punish the eldest and you do the youngest? I doubt Rebekah has the heart to smack the little one's tender backside hard enough to make an impression," Klaus smiled.

"She has a soft heart when it comes to children," Elijah agreed.

"As does Marcel," Klaus replied.

"As do you when it when it comes to young Marcellus!" Elijah laughed lightly.

"He is my son. And you must admit he has been awfully well behaved of late. I mean, of course, for a young vampire," Klaus added hastily.

Elijah rubbed his temples again and went to to pour a draught of liquor. "Nay, we should be clearheaded. It has been a good while since either of us disciplined a human child."

"Aye, we will have to be more careful. Oh, but perhaps we should give them a pass. Their mum is gone and they do not even know it. They hardly know us. After a few weeks to settle in and I am sure they will behave properly," Klaus waffled.

"Brother," Elijah said firmly, "Do recall the mistakes we made with Marcellus. We gave him several months to settle in and develop into a right hellion. By then, it took quite a bit more effort to get him to mind. Let us not repeat that cycle with these boys. If we are firm, fair, and caring from the start, they will feel safe and loved. Hmm?" Elijah said looking Klaus in the eyes.

"You mean the mistakes I made with Marcellus. Dammit, I detest how you are always correct in your assessments. I shall do my duty. I just do not care to do it," Klaus grumbled. "And the next time Kol feeds from the household, I will paddle him myself. We cannot leave bodies buried all over the property when we move in a few months! Plus, we have the best cook in the county...I don't want him draining her because he needs a snack," Klaus said stalking off to find Marcel and Damon. He found them coming back into the entryway from the stables.

"Papa, Damon is an accomplished rider himself. Perhaps we can go riding together soon?" Marcel suggested.

"Aye, Marcellus, that sounds lovely. Would you go and work on those drafts for the new warehouses? Your uncle is in the study. I am going to have a word with Damon here shortly," Klaus said calmly. Marcel nodded and walked off to obey his father.

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