20. Stefan Steals

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Pairing: Kol/Stefan (M/m) hand

Chapter Text

"It is safer to beg than to take, but it is finer to take than to beg."
― Oscar Wilde

Mystic Falls

Town Square

Saturday, July 14, 1855

Stefan ran as fast as his chubby legs could carry him. He was wearing a sailor shirt over his knickerbockers and a hat that flew off and landed in the muddy street. Unfortunately, he fled until he knocked over Sage coming out of her saloon. She had been heading to the general store to mail some bills out. She went flying and fell to the ground striking her head on the wooden sidewalk. Hayley, who was boarding next door in Mrs. Whitmore's house, ran out to help. Haley took her meals in Sage's establishment from time to time and had gotten to know and like Sage.

"Miss Sage, are you alright?" Hayley asked anxiously. "Can you hear me?" She pushed a strand of brown hair back into her bonnet cap anxiously. This did not look good.

Sage looked up and her eyes fluttered and she fell back again. Her red hair was askew and now dangling in loose strands around her head.

Stefan stood by helplessly, his hands were full of the penny candy he had pilfered before he ran out of the general store. Kol and Damon were hot on his trail but still a few paces back.

"Go get your Uncle Finn, he is inside!" Hayley ordered. Stefan stood in shook. He wanted to say that Finn was not his uncle, but everyone was assuming the older Mikaelson brothers were his uncles and Kol was his cousin. Hayley was now holding Sage's head up and yelled to Stefan, "Go. She's hurt!"

Stefan snapped out of his shock and went in to shout for Finn. He was in the back office working on paperwork, as the Mikaelsons were now silent parents in the saloon.

Finn ran out and spot the beautiful red-haired woman he someday hope would be his intended, "My darling, what happened?" Other towns folk gathered around to watch.

Hayley looked up at Stefan. Stefan started to cry. Kol caught up and picked up Stefan.

"Hush now, it was an accident," Kol announced. Kol and Damon had seen what happened as they exited the store.

Damon looked down, "Can you take her inside? She has passed out."

Kol passed a now hysterical Stefan off to Damon, forgetting the older boy was not a vampire, nor did he have their strength. Damon staggered and almost dropped his brother, yet he managed to keep his balance for a moment longer. He sat down on a nearby bench and tried to get his brother settled.

Mrs. Whitmore, who was working in the general store today, came down to see what all the commotion was about. She had been with another customer and had not seen Stefan run off with the candy. She noticed it now on the ground and jutting out of his small clenched fists. Stefan fished out some coins from his pocket and gave them to her with an apology.

"Sorry, Mrs. Whitmore, he is really going to get a good licking when we get home. I promise you that," Damon said firmly. Finn was carrying in Sage. Hayley was gathering up the papers Sage had been holding.

Mrs. Whitmore nodded at Stefan briefly and then wrung her hands and muttered, "Oh dear, Miss Sage had quite a spill. I will see if we have smelling salts." She was a big woman with a ruddy complexion and her gray hair pinned up in a bun.

Kol thanked her and then compelled her to go back to the general store leaving just Hayley, Damon, and Stefan left outside with Kol.

Hayley looked at the upset boys. "I am sure Miss Sage will be okay. Why do you not head in with your uncles?"

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