27. School Opening

317 3 6

Pairing: Mrs. Whitmore/Kathy (F/f) 4x, brush (mild)

"Our youths now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, disrespect for older people. Children nowadays are tyrants. They no longer rise when their elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers."
-Socrates in the fifth century B.C.

Monday, August 20, 1855

School House

Kol groaned as Finn woke him up. "Brother, you cannot be serious as to make me rise this early for schooling!"

Damon had already gotten up and broke his fast. Finn was not impressed by his younger brother.

"Kol Mikaelson, get out of those bed covers and dress right now or I will,-" Finn started.

"Stop! I comprehend. You need not say it," Kol interrupted, groggily getting up.

Finn sat on Damon's bed, which he was pleased to note, was already made.

"Brother, this is not to shame you or offend you, you understand? We only wish the best for you. In truth, I am envious that you can undertake a formal education. Not all of us are so fortunate," Finn reasoned.

Kol nodded, "Aye, I am quite sure Elijah is green with envy that I get to be in the presence of his werewolf beauty, Miss Hayley. He is rather taken with her. I have not seen him so enchanted with a lady since Celeste...and that did not end well."

"I have heard," Finn admitted ruefully. "Both of our brothers are making the effort to move forth to give us a safe home here again. I appreciate you doing that same."

"I shall attempt to abide and look after the others, Finn. But do not expect me to like it. I may look 17, but I have walked this earth for hundreds of years, well, when I was not rotting in my coffin, that is. Plus, with Damon being restricted from magic these last weeks, there has not been a great deal for me to do except play chess and do sport," Kol said, as he washed using the provided water in the basin. "Can you send someone up here for me to feed on? I am quite peckish."

Finn smiled, "Of course. Continue and I shall fetch someone."

Kol eyed Finn as he left. Kol scurried to the trunk of his dark objects. He pinched a few out of the box and shoved them in his pocket. He wondered if any would indeed work on the lovely werewolf school teacher? There was only one way to find out.


"Stefan, you look ever so handsome!" Rebekah gushed. Rebekah had fashioned Stefan a new cotton shirt, blue trousers, and bought her a gleaming new pair of suspenders from town. He wore a little straw hat over his golden curls.

"They are tight," Stefan whined as he felt the waist of his pants.

"Oh, I am could let them out a bit," Rebekah fussed.

Damon snickered, "Oh, Stefan could stop eating so much sweet cake after supper! He snuck down last night and had seconds. I heard Mary in the kitchen also giving him extra cream!"

Rebekah's blue eye's got wide and she tapped Stefan lightly on the nose, "You naughty boy! Why I ought to tell cook that you get no dessert tonight!"

Stefan frowned, "No, Bekah. I am sorry. But I do not like mutton and I was hungry."

Elijah strode in, fully dressed in his waistcoat, breeches, and top hat. "What is this now? A little kitty was drinking all the cream? Is that why there was none for morning tea?"

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